英语专业本科毕业论文 On English Ambiguity Zhao Banghong Outline.doc

英语专业本科毕业论文 On English Ambiguity Zhao Banghong Outline.doc

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英语专业本科毕业论文 On English Ambiguity Zhao Banghong Outline

英语专业本科毕业论文 On English AmbiguityZhao Banghong Outline 1. Introduction ? 【标题中实词都要大写】 ? 2. Theoretical Background ? 3. Classification of Ambiguity ? 3.1 Phonological Ambiguity ? 3.1.1 Intonation ? 3.1.2 Liaison ? 3.1.3 Homophony ? 3.2 Lexical Ambiguity ? 3.2.1 P olysemy ? 3.2.2 Homonymy ? 3.2.3 Historical Change ? 3.2.4 Dialectical Differences ? ? 3.3 Syntactic Ambiguity ? 3.3.1 Multiple Constituent Structures ? 3.3.2 Multiple Syntactic Functions ? 3.3.3 Ellipsis ? 3.4 Pragmatic Ambiguity ? 4. Approaches of Disambiguity ? 4.1 Adoption of Stress and Pause ? 4.2 Addition of Context ? 4.3 Utilization of Syntactic Structures ? 4.3.1 A lteration of Phrasal Order ? 4.3.2 Reorganization of Sentence ? 4.3.3 A ddition of Omitted Constituents ? 4.4 Replacement of Ambiguous Words ? 4.5 Utilization of Punctuation Marks ? 5. Conclusion ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? On English Ambiguity 【 18 号字】 ? Liao Yuan 【 16 号字】 ? Supervisor: xxx 【 16 号字】 ? ?(School of Foreign Languages, Jinggangshan University, Ji’an, Jiangxi, 343009) ? ? ? Abstract: This paper mainly expounds the reasons of phonological, lexical, syntactic and pragmatic ambiguity, and puts forward five approaches of disambiguity in English: adoption of stress and pause, addition of language context, utilization of syntactic structure, replacement of words and utilization of punctuation marks. ? Key words: ambiguity; reasons; disambiguity; approaches ? 论英语中的歧义现象 【 三号 】 ? 廖苑 【 小四号】 ? 指导老师: XXX 【 小四号】 ? (井冈山大学外国语学院,江西 吉安 343009 ) 【 小四号】 ? 摘要: 本文从语音、词汇、句法以及语用四大因素入手,分析了英语中歧义句产生的原因;并在此基础上详细阐述了五种消歧的方法:运用重读、增设语境、利用句法结构、替代词语、利用标点符号。 ? 关键词: 歧义;原因;消歧;方法 ? 1. Introduction ? ( 标题中实词全部大写 ) ? 【正文用小四号字体, 1.5 倍行距,首行缩进 2 字符】 ? Ambiguity is a subtle but pervasive phenomenon in English. But as to what is ambiguity there are many versions. Chomsky hold that ambiguity occurs when an expression_r_r_r has grammatical structure and is semantically relational but its deep structure can be interpreted in two or more ways (1965:25). 【句号在夹住之后 , 注释要与参考文献相吻


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