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2012版中考一轮复习精品课件 外研版 含2011中考真题 八下Modules6-10 Ⅱ.句型转换 1.They said they had a good time at the weekend.(改 为同义句) They said they ________ ___________ _______ ______at the weekend. 2.I didnt like the singer but other than that.(改为同 义句) I didnt like the singer ________ ________that. 3.He said, “I have seen the film twice.”(改为间接引语) He said ________ ________seen the film twice. ? ·外研版(衔接) enjoyed themselves / had fun except for he had 4.Our teacher said, “The earth goes around the sun.” (改为间接引语) Our teacher said ________ the earth ________ around the sun. 5.The policeman said to the boys, “Dont play on the road.” (改为间接引语) The policeman told the boys ________ ________ ________on the road. 6.She asked me, “Whats the matter?” (改为间接引语) She asked me ________ ________ ________ ________. ? ? ·外研版(衔接) that goes not to play what was the matter 7.Miss Lee said to me, “Do you need any help?” (改 为间接引语) Miss Lee asked me __________ ___ ________ ________ help. 8.Dont stay close to the tiger.(改为同义句) Please ________ ________ ________the tiger. 9.My son, Li Chunlin can hardly understand the sentence, ________ ________?(完成反意疑问句) 10.I think Chinese food is_great.(就画线部分提问) ________ do you ________ ________Chinese food? ? ? ·外研版(衔接) if/whether I needed some keep away from can he What think of 每日一辨 ask for sth. /sb. 与ask sb.for sth. (1) ask for sth.指“要求得到某物或意见等”。如:She asked for his advice.她征求他的意见。 (2) ask for sb.指“找某人,要见某人”。如:Did anyone ask for me?有人来找过我吗? (3) ask sb.for sth.指“向某人要某物”。如:He asked his parents for a bike.他请求父母买辆自行车。 ? ·外研版(衔接) ·外研版(衔接) ·外研版(衔接) 词汇点睛 考点突破 1 influence v.影响 [搭配] influence on sb./sth.对……有影响 under the influence of…在……的影响下 如: What exactly is the influence of television on children? 电视对儿童究竟有什么影响? He committed the crime under the influence of drugs. 他是在吸毒后犯罪的。 [拓展] influence n.影响,作用;影响力,支配力,控制力,相当于effect。have an infl


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