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Passage 1 is about the introduction of Champagne, the most romantic drink in the world as some people say. Passage 1:  Welcome to our Champagne Sampling Party. For many people, Champagne is simply the most romantic drink. The creation of good champagne is often associated with love and romance. // sampling本意指“抽样调查;取样;试用/吃”,这里就是“试品”之意。sample的名词意为“样品;标本”,超市里免费发放的试用装或赠品都是free samples。句型A be associated with B 极为常用,意为“A与B联系起来/A让人联想到B”,如The sun is associated with brightness and warmth,此外associative thinking是“联想思维”之意。 Besides, champagne is one of the international symbols of a certain kind of pleasure. Why do people dream of driving a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz? Any car will do the trick. // do the trick亦可说成do the job,意为“起作用;奏效”,这里当然指的是每辆车都有的功能——代步。本段难度在于第二三句与第一句貌似语义无衔接。其实,本段和第三段合在一起才能了解此两句是作为烘托下一段中香槟内涵的铺垫。 But some cars are about more than just getting there. And some drinks are about more than just drinking. Indeed, champagne has the flavors that nothing in the world can match. // more than的用法在英文中极为普遍,意为“不仅仅”,如I’m more than happy. I feel proud.而that nothing in the world can match为flavors的定语从句,经常用作强调,意为“世界上没有什么可与…相比”,如You are the only one for me, and nobody in this world can match you! It is a truly unique taste, created by a complex and painstaking process. That process takes a legal minimum of 15 months. And it’s in this painstaking process that makes champagne such an allure. 本段的难度在于complex,painstaking,minimum,allure这样的生词。其实除了allure以外,其它三个如果印在纸上,对于已通过中口笔试阶段的考生们来说并非难题,但它们以听力形式出现,且在考生的心理压力作用下,考生就可能乱了阵脚。事实上,平时这样的词多说、多读、多听,不必要的恐慌就可避免。 (参考答案)   欢迎光临我们的香槟品酒会。对许多人来说,香槟酒是最浪漫的饮料。上等香槟酒所产生的效果往往就是洋溢着爱和浪漫的气息。//   此外,香槟酒是国际上表示某种欢乐的标志。人们为什么梦寐以求能拥有一辆宝马或奔驰这类好车呢?任何车都可以当作坐骑到达某地。//   但是有些车的作用不仅仅限于到达某地。同样,有些饮料的作用不仅仅在于饮用本身。的确,香槟酒所拥有的口味,世上没有哪一种饮料可以与其媲美。//   香槟酒确实口味独特,这种口味是通过复杂而艰辛的酿造过程而获得的。这一酿造过程历时至少达15个月。正是这一艰辛的制作过程才赋予了香槟酒如此诱人的魅力. Passage 2 is about how to acquire a sense of control and take a control of one’s own life. a sense of control是“自我控制感”,这是情商的重要组成元素。由此可推断本篇探讨的是如何为人处事。 Passage 2: In t


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