[英语学习]Intensive Reading-Gender Role.ppt

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[英语学习]Intensive Reading-Gender Role

Intensive Reading Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes cluster ?n. number of things of the same kind growing closely together (丛生的)簇, 丛, 团, 串: a cluster of berries, flowers, curls 一簇浆果﹑ 花﹑ 鬈发 ivy growing in thick clusters 成丛生长的常春藤. number of people, animals or things grouped closely together (任何的)群, 堆, 组, 团, 串: a cluster of houses, spectators, bees, islands, diamonds, stars 密密的房屋﹑ 观众﹑ 蜜蜂﹑ 岛屿/钻石﹑ 星星 a consonant cluster, 辅音连缀(如strong中的 str). cluster/be clustered (together) round sb/sth form a cluster round sb/sth; surround sb/sth closely 聚集在某人[某物]的周围; 丛生; 群聚: roses clustering round the window 绕着窗户丛生的玫瑰花 Reporters (were) clustered round the Prime Minister. 记者把首相团团围住. People use femininity or masculinity to claim and communicate their membership in their assigned, or chosen, sex or gender. Others recognize our sex or gender more on the basis of these characteristics than on the basis of sex characteristics, which are usually largely covered by clothing in daily life. (Para. 1) Paraphrase: We are born into, or choose to belong to these two categories of femininity and masculinity. We use these distinctive traits to show our sexual identity. On the other hand, others observe us with the traits of these two categories rather than with our biological sexual features which are usually covered by clothing. attribute n. —— quality regarded as a natural or typical part of sb/sth 属性; 特质; 性质: Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 当教师最重要的一个品性就是要有耐心. —— object recognized as a symbol of a person or his position 人物或其职位的标志; 象徵: The scepter is an attribute of kingly power. 节杖是国王权力的象徵. A M- dominance, aggression F- submission, passivity B M- egoistic dominance F- cooperation, communion These two clusters of attributes are most commonly seen as mirror images of one another with masculinity usually characterized by dominance and aggression, and femininity by passivity and submission. (Para. 2) Generally, masculinity and femininity


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