[英语学习]Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers.ppt

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[英语学习]Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers

1. The spirit of explorers spirit (n.) 我们应该学习雷锋精神。 We should learn from Lei Feng’s spirit. explore (v.) ----- explorer (n.) 2. Viking voyage to America voyage (n.) = sea journey ☆ 区分: voyage, journey, tour, trip, travel 3. achieve (v.) = succeed / be successful achieve the goal 达到目的 4. long before “在之前很久” They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail. 他们在哥伦布到达此地很久之前就已经来过这儿。 before long = soon “不久” 孩子,很快我就会来看你。 I shall see you before long, my boy. ☆It be + 时间 + before “ 过了多久” 过了很久,我才睡着。 It was a long time before I fell asleep. ☆ It+be+ not +long +before “不久就……” 不久我们就会见面的。 It won’t be long before we see each other. 5. further 是far 的比较级,一般指程度深远 而farther 一般指路程遥远 6. as many as 多达…… as many as + 可数名词 as much as + 不可数名词 史密斯先生一天能吃多达五顿饭。 Mr. Smith can eat as many as five meals a day. A+ as +形容词+ as +B用于同级之间的比较 滑水跟滑浪风帆一样刺激。 Water skiing is as exciting as wind surfing. 8. be forced to do sth. 被迫做某事 主动: force sb. to do sth. The workers were forced to work at least 16 hours a day. commit a crime 犯罪 9. commit a robbery 犯抢劫罪 commit a murder 犯谋杀罪 10. be in trouble “有麻烦,出事” get into trouble “遇到麻烦” 她总是遇到麻烦。 She is always getting into trouble. ask / look for trouble 自找麻烦 have trouble (in )doing sth. 做某事有麻烦 take great trouble to do sth. 花大力气做某事 妈妈很生气,你们不要再自找麻烦了。 Mama is so angry. Don’t ask for trouble. 你找到这所房子有困难吗? Did you have trouble (in) finding the house? 她花了很大力气才能算出这条数学问题。 She took great trouble to work out this maths’ question. 13. be in search of be in one’s search for sb. / sth. search +地方+ for sb. /sth. search for = look for = hunt for They went there in search of food to eat. The parents are now in their search for their missing child. The police searched the forest for the criminals. I must search for the mice until I find them and kill them. 14. blow off course 被风吹得偏离航线 15. find oneself in somewhere (不知不觉)发现自己在某个地方 16. an unknown land 不知名的地方 17. present-day =


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