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Complete the following sentences: 1._____________________(毫无疑问)the prices of cars will go down. 2.The idea______________________________________ (电脑能识别人的声音) surprises many people. 3.I have no idea ______________________ (该选哪一个). 4.The problem_____________________________ (我们是否做这个实验)has been solved. 5.The question___________________(谁将出国) needs considering. There is no doubt that that computers can recognize human voices which one I should choose whether we will do the experiment who will go abroad Complete the following sentences S1:Professor, I want to know (50年后我们的日常生活会是什么样) S2:Dr Smart, my question is (全球变暖对地球会有什么影响). S3:Professor, can you predict (污染能否被制止住) S4:Dr Smart,I want to know (将来我们会不会有足够的食物供养不断增长的人口) what our daily life will be like after 50 years. what effects global warming will have on us. whether pollution will ever be stopped? whether we will have enough food to feed the growing population. Complete the following sentences S5:Professor Smart, my question is (太空航行什么时候能变得既简便又便宜) S6: Professor, who will win the debate on (是否应该允许克隆人类) S7: Dr Smart, I would like to know (会不会有更多无法治愈的疾病) S8: Professor, what is your prediction about


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