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Business Correspondences 外贸英文函电 Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Introduction to the course Course description Course objectives Course contents Learning guide Assessment and Requirements Introduction English business correspondence or business letter is a written communication between two parties. It is a means through which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities. It is to learn both the language and the professional knowledge (in other words, to learn the language you are going to use when you work). Course description Business Correspondence is one of the most important courses (a compulsory course) for International Business Trade Majors. It is designed to help students to accomplish the transition from general English learning to specialized English learning, aiming at preparation for a future business career. Course objectives After the completion of the whole course, students are supposed to: comprehend and master the basic writing skills for various types of business correspondence. be familiar with the general conventions as well as main procedures in international trade practice. conduct business, make quick and correct reactions to the business information and make business concluded in real life situations. Course contents The contents of Business correspondence involve many aspects of international business trade, mainly include : Establishing business relations; Inquiry; Offer; Counter offer; Order; Acceptance; Contract; Packing; Shipment; Payment; Insurance and Claim. Learning guide Achieve balance between language-learning and business-learning. Achieve balance between input and output of what have been learned. Achieve balance between course-book learning and simulated practice. Focus on various writing patterns and writing skills of business correspondence


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