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The Chaser;About the Author;Background Information;Pre-reading Questions;New words and expressions;New words and expressions;New words and expressions;New words and expressions;New words and expressions;Structural Analysis;Plot of the story;Understanding of Part I;Language Points of Part I;Language Points of Part I;Flop:扑通一声。 Fall flop into the water. Gurgle:汩汩声,婴儿咯咯的笑声。The water gurgled as it ran down the plug-hole. Hoot:猫头鹰的叫声,汽笛、喇叭的声响。 The driver hooted at the sheep in the road. Hum:昆虫的营营声, 嗡嗡声;人犹豫时的嗯嗯声。The hum of the bees. hush:让安静的声音 Jingle:硬币、钥匙等金属的叮当声; jangle:刺耳的声音(多金属声)The fire-alarm kept jangling. Murmur:低沉、持续而不清的声音,隔壁的人语声。The distant murmur of the sea . ;rattle:短促而尖利的声音,如瓶子的哐啷哐啷声,机关枪的咯咯声。 he murmur of the voices from next room. pit-a-pit:噼啪声。the pit-a-pit of the rain on the roof. purl:潺潺的流水声。 a purling brook.(潺潺的溪流) Rumble:低沉而持续的声音,咚咚(鼓)声,(饿肚子)咕咕声等。The rumble of drums. sizzle:咝咝声(如煎炸声) Snap:快门声,开、关的声音,突然咬住的声音,厉声(说话)。The lid shut with a snap. Sough: 细小的声音,飒飒声,瑟瑟声。 The sough of the wind in the woods.;Roll:持续而平稳的震动声。The distant roll of thunder. Splash:溅泼声。He fell into the lake with a splash . splash, plump:沉重的物体突然坠地的声音。 He sat down in the chair with a plump. Thud:撞击软物的沉闷的声响(撞击软物,砰然落下)。 The car hit the farmer with a sickening thud. Thump:重击声。The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump . toot:号角、喇叭等的嘟嘟声。The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend. Totter:snigger, fizz:嘶嘶声,噼啪声。The fizz of a firework Zoom:飞行器、汽车在快速移动时的嗡嗡声。The jet zoomed lower over our heads. ;Language Points of Part I ;Understanding of Part II;Understanding of Part II;Language points of Part II;Understanding of Part III;Understanding of Part III;Language points of Part III;Language points of Part III;Language points of Part III;Language points of Part III;Language points of Part III;Sirens;Language points of Part III;Language points of Part III;Thank you for listening


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