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摘 要 机械手的积极作用正日益为人们所认识,其一,它能部分地代替人的劳动并能达到生产工艺的要求,遵循一定的程序、时间和位置来完成工件的传送。因为,它能大大地改善工人的劳动条件,加快实现工业生产机械化和自动化的步伐。因此,受到各先进单位的重视并投入了大量的人力物力加以研究和应用。尤其在高温、高压、粉尘、噪声的场合,应用得更为广泛。在我国,近代几年来也有较快的发展,并取得一定的成果,受到各工业部门的重视。在生产过程中,经常要对流水线上的产品进行分捡,本次毕业设计拟开发物料搬运机械手,采用的德国西门子S7-200系列PLC,对机械手的上下、左右以及抓取运动进行控制。用于分捡大小球的机械装置。我们利用可编程技术,结合相应的硬件装置,控制机械手完成各种动作。PLC应用系统设计主要包括硬件设计、软件设计、施工设计和安装调试等内容。本次毕业设计着重在系统设计和程序设计。 关键词:PLC 大小球 分拣系统 ABSTRACT The positive role of the robot is increasingly being recognized, first, it can partially replace human labor and to achieve the production requirements, follow certain procedures, time and location of the workpiece to complete the transfer. Because it can greatly improve the working conditions of workers, industrial production to accelerate the pace of mechanization and automation. Therefore, the attention from all the advanced units and put a lot of manpower and resources to research and application. Especially in the high-temperature, high pressure, dust and noise of the occasion, applied more widely. In China, the modern years have rapid development, and achieved certain results, the importance attached by the various industrial sectors. In the production process, often the product of the sorting line, this graduation design is planned to develop material handling robot, using Siemens S7-200 series PLC, the mechanical hand up and down, left and right, and grab control of movement. The size of the ball for the sorting machinery. We use programmable technology, combined with the appropriate hardware devices, control the mechanical hand to complete a variety of actions. PLC application system design including hardware design, software design, construction design and installation and so on. This course emphasizes the system design and programming. Key word:Manipulator PLC size of zhe ball sorting system 目 录 1 PLC应用系统设计基础知识 1 1.1 PLC控制系统设计的原则和内容 1 1.2 PLC的选型 1 1.2.1 性能与任务相适应 1 1.2.2 PLC的处理速度应满足时实控制的要求 1 1.2.3 PLC应用系统结构合理、机型系列应统一 1 2 PLC控制系统硬件设计 4 2.1 按钮和行程开



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