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济城学院 毕 业 设 计 题 目 自动控制系统设计 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二〇一 五 年 月 日 摘 要 随着啤酒消费量的增长,生产啤酒的速度也因此而加速。在啤酒生产线整个过程中有多个单元,有冲洗、灌装、封盖等。在如此高速的生产环境中,人工灯光检验空瓶质量的速度很难跟上去,并且当人工劳累时会出现漏检、错捡等情况,因此研制出符合验瓶要求的机器至关重要。 本文针对啤酒生产线进行了啤酒瓶剔除器的设计,内容主要分为以下几个方面:首先,介绍出剔除器的硬件组成结构,将其组成和工作原理进行设计。计算出剔除器的输入输出点数,选择出合适型号的PLC。在剔除系统中将光电传感器、旋转编码器和电磁阀的型号进行了选择。然后将剔除器的软件流程图进行了设计。最后,对系统设置了防干扰措施。 设计出的系统可将不符合要求的瓶子剔除出去,让合格的瓶子进入到灌装过程。本系统经检验符合期望的要求,可推广使用。 关键词:剔除器;PLC;光电传感器 ABSTRACT As the growth of the beer consumption, thus accelerate the speed of the production of beer. In the whole process of beer production line with multiple units, such as washing, filling and capping. In such a high speed production environment, artificial lighting inspection empty bottle mass velocity is difficult to follow up, and when the artificial tired when a leak, wrong to pick up, etc., thus developed to meet the requirements of test bottle machine is very important. Based on beer production line of beer bottles eliminating design, main content is divided into the following several aspects: first, introduce the hardware structure of excluding, its composition and working principle of the design. Calculate out of input and output points, choose the right type of PLC. Photoelectric sensors, rotary encoder in eliminating system and selection model of solenoid valve. Then out of flow chart of software design. Finally, the system sets the anti jamming measures. Design of the system can not meet the requirements the bottle, let qualified into the bottle filling process. This system accord with the requirement of expectations after inspection, can promote the use. Keywords:Excluding device;PLC;Photoelectric sensor 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 前言 1 1.1 啤酒生产线剔除器概述 1 1.2 啤酒生产线剔除器的国内外发展及研究意义 1 2 啤酒生产线剔除器原理分析 2 2.1 啤酒生产线剔除器的工作原理 2 2.2 啤酒生产线剔除器工作的流程 3 3剔除器的硬件结构 4 3.1剔除器的结构概述 4 3.2基本



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