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博物馆温度、湿度报警系统设计 摘 要 温湿度控制已成为当今社会研究的热门项目。是工农业生产过程以及日常生活的环境中必须考虑的因素。作为最常见的被控参数。温度和湿度已经不再是相互独立的物理量,而应在系统中综合考虑。温湿度报警系统已经广泛应用于博物馆、实验室、大棚、花圃、粮仓乃至土壤等各个领域。而传统的温湿度控制则利用湿度表、毛发湿度表、双金属式测量计和湿度试纸等测试器材,过去的这些测试方法要通过人工进行检测。对不符合温度和湿度要求的场所要进行通风、降温、去湿等操作。这种人工测试方法费时费力,效率低,成本高,不能适应当代经济的快速发展。并且这种方法随机性较大,误差大。因此就需要一种造价低廉、使用方便且计算精确的温湿度控制仪器。利用单片机对温、湿度控制,具有控温、湿精度高、功能强、体积小、价格低,简单灵活等优点,能很好的满足各个领域的需要。 本文通过使用STC89C52单片机、DHT11传感器模块、1602液晶显示屏模块以及报警模块设计一个博物馆温湿度报警系统的模型,力争用经济、方便的设计来实现所需要的要求。通过DHT11数字温湿度传感器把采集到的温湿度数据传给单片机,再经过单片机的处理,最后准确的显示到液晶屏上。同时对温湿度设置上下限,当越过设置的上下线值时报警。 关键词:单片机 DHT11传感器 1602液晶显示屏 STC89C52 报警 Abstract Temperature and humidity control has become a hot item in todays social studies. Is the process of industrial and agricultural production and daily life environment factors must be considered. As one of the most common was accused of parameters. Temperature and humidity is no longer a separate physical quantities, but should be considered in the system. Temperature and humidity alarm system has been widely used in museum, laboratory, greenhouses, flower beds, granary, and soil and other fields. While the traditional temperature and humidity control of humidity table, hair humidity table, double metal type gauge and humidity dipstick test equipment, such as in the past these testing methods to detect by artificial. To do not conform to the requirements of the temperature and humidity of the places for ventilation, cooling and dehumidification operation. This manual test method time-consuming, low efficiency, high cost, can not adapt to the rapid development of modern economy. And this method randomness, great error. So they need a kind of low cost, easy to use and accurate to calculate the temperature and humidity control instrument. Using single-chip microcomputer to control the temperature, humidity, temperature control, wet high precision, strong function, small volume, low price, the advantages of simple and flexible, can very good satisfy the needs of various fields. In this paper, by u



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