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图像边缘提取方法研究 摘 要 图像边缘检测一直以来都是图像处理与分析领域的研究热点。边缘提取是图像处理的基础工作,如何精确、有效地提取边缘是图像处理领域相关学者讨论的热点问题,由此产生的各种边缘检测算法层出不穷并且得到了广泛的应用。该文对传统的具有代表性的各种图像边缘提取方法进行了阐述、对比和分析了各自的优缺点,为了更清楚地看出各种算法的效果,给出了一些常用算法对同一副标准测试图像进行边缘提取的实验结果。本文对现代的一些边缘检测方法如小波分析、形态学等也作了简要的介绍,重点分析了以上各种算法在图像边缘检测中的发展状况和优缺点。最后提出在实践中要根据待解决的问题的特点和要求决定采取何种方法。 关键词 图像处理,小波变换,图像边缘检测 ABSTRACT Image edge detection is always study focus in the field of image processing and analysis. Edge extraction is foundation work of image processing, how accurate and efficient extract edge is heated discussed by the scholars who are related to image processing area , and various of edge detection methods emerge endlessly and got very wide application . The representative traditional methods in old days for image edge detection have been presented and the advantages and disadvantages of every method are contrasted and analized in this paper. In order to have a much clear look at the effect of every methods, the results of the experiments in which the common methods are used to detect image edge of the same standard testing image are given between the text. In this thesis,there are also some brief introduction about modern methods of edge detection,such as wavelet and morphology.And the emphases is the development and characters of these methods in detecting image edge. Finally , I point out that choosing which method largely depends on the nature of the matter. Key Words:Image processWavelet transform,Image edge detection 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 图像边缘检测概述 1 1.2 图像边缘检测研究现状 2 1.3 主要研究内容 3 第2章 经典图像边缘提取算法 3 2.1 一阶微分算子 4 2.1.1 梯度算子 4 2.1.2 方向算子 7 2.1.3 实验仿真 7 2.2 二阶微分算子和Canny算子 10 2.2.1 拉普拉斯算子 10 2.2.2 LOG算子 11 2.2.3 Canny算子 12 2.2.4 实验仿真 14 2.3 各微分算子的具体实现 17 2.3.1 图像预处理 17 2.3.2 实验仿真及结果分析 19 2.4 基于微分算法的改进算法 20 2.4.1 元胞自动机提取 20 2.4.2 程序设计及仿真 21 2.5 本章小结 23 第3章 现代边缘检测方法 24 3.1 基于数学形态学的边缘检测 24 3.1.1 形态学边缘检测概述 24 3.1.2 边缘提取算法 25 3.1.3 Matlab仿真 26 3.2 基于小波变换多尺度分析的边缘检测 27 3.3 基于小波包分解的边缘检测 28 3.4 本章小结 29 第4章 全文总结 29 4.1 总结 29 4.2



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