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摘 要 本次设计内容为基于MSP430单片机的温湿度检测系统。温度和湿度是药房、粮仓、温室大棚等场所的重要的环境因子,本文提出了一种基于 MSP430F149单片机的温湿度检测系统设计,该系统设计方案具有测量准确、调试方便、可实时记录信息等特点,并可广泛应用于条件恶劣、人员不便进入的场合。 本次设计以MSP430F149单片机为基础,在分析其工作原理及相应管脚作用的基础上,结合我国现有气候的特点,进行温度、湿度参数的检测系统设计,完成了温湿度检测系统的方案,包括温度检测系统、湿度检测系统,使检测所得的数据量达到生产等环节过程中的精确要求。温湿度检测系统的控制方案共有5个主要部分;其中包括温度检测系统、湿度检测系统、显示电路、电源电路。本次设计对温湿度检测系统组态采用美国德州仪器开发的MSP430单片机,并在设计内容里详细介绍了MSP430单片机的相应优势及工作原理。 此次设计共分5章内容,主要包括温湿度检测系统简介、基本硬件介绍、硬件电路设计、软件程序设计等内容,全方位解析温湿度检测系统及其相应显示的方案,根据精度对生产等环节的要求进行各种精度的确定,包括传感器及运算电路,以实现系统最优且安全可靠。 关键词:MSP430F149单片机;温度检测;湿度检测 Abstract The content of this design is the humidity and temperature monitoring system based on MSP430 Single-Chip Microcomputer. Temperature and humidity are two important environmental factors in some places like pharmacies, granaries and greenhouses. The design for the humidity and temperature monitoring system based on the MSP430F149 Single-Chip Microcomputer is presented in this thesis. The design of the system is characterized by accuracy in mensuration, convenience in debugging and real time information-recording and also widely used in the places which are too harsh for people to enter. The design grounded on the MSP430F149 Single-Chip Microcomputer, considering exsiting climate characteristics in our country, is planned in detecting system about parameters of humidity and temperature on the premise that has analyzing the working principle and pin function. The design has completed the schemes of humidity and temperature monitoring system, including temperature detecting system and humidity detecting system, to make sure the data size of the detection can meet the precise request in production and other links. There are five major parts in the scheme of humidity and temperature monitoring system, comprising temperature detecting system, humidity detecting system,display circuit and power circuit. The design adopts the MSP430 Single-Chip Microcomputer configuration by Texas U.S in the configuration of humidity and temperature moni


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