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基于Web的高校实验室管理信息系统分析与设计 ANALYZE AND DESIGN LABORATORY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM OF A UNIVERSITY BASED ON WEB 专 业:工业工程 姓 名: 指导教师姓名: 申请学位级别:学 士 论文提交日期: 学位授予单位: 天津科技大学 摘 要 本论文针对某高校工业工程实验室设计了一种基于Web的实验室管理信息系统(LMIS),本系统采用了当前流行的ASP.NET技术,以Microsoft Visual Studio 2008为开发环境、以Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005为后台数据库,使用C#作为脚本语言进行编写,同时在设计的过程中,结合了系统工程的AHP层次分析法进行方案的选择,在页面设计的时候结合了人因工程学中有关于人机界面的相关知识和理论进行设计。该系统基于人性化设计的原则,实现了实验室信息和数据的网络化,相比于以往客户端版的管理信息系统,本系统无需安装任何的客户端软件,只要计算机拥有上网功能,就能实现实验室管理信息系统的登录和访问,能够最大限度的实现信息的共享。由于所有的数据和处理都集中在服务器端,系统维护比较简单和方便,只要改变网页,就能实现所有用户的同步更新。而且系统的扩展性也比较强,通过增加网页,就能增加服务器的功能。基于Web的实验室管理信息系统(LMIS)是未来发展的主流趋势。 关键字:实验室管理信息系统;Web;数据库;用户;模块 ABSTRACT The thesis is based on Web to analyze and design a LMIS(Laboratory Management Information System) for an Industrial Engineering Laboratory of an university. The system applies prevalent ASP.NET technology, uses Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as the development environment, utilizes Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005 as database and its script language is C#. Whats more, the way named AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) from System Engineering is the best solution when considering which model is more suitable. And the knowledge of Human Factors Engineering is integrated when designing human-computer interface. The system is based on the principle of humanity, in the meanwhile, the laboratory information and data are internetized. Comparing with the former one which is a stand-alone version, the system needs nothing client software, but the function of surfing on Internet. And you can enter and visit the LMIS. With it, the user can share the information at most. At last, because all data and operation of data are focused on server, maintaining system is easy and convenient. If you want to fulfill synchronous update, the only thing you should do is changing web pages. And the expansion of system is also better, according to adding web pages, you can improve servers fun


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