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分类号: 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目: 基于主成分分析的免费师范生生源多因素分析___ 作 者 单 位 计算机科学学院 基于主成分分析的免费师范生生源多因素分析 (陕西师范大学计算机科学学院, 陕西 西安) 摘 要:应用主成分分析原理,以少数的综合变量取代原有的多维变量,使数据结构简化,把原指标综合成几个主成分,再以这几个主成分的贡献率为权数进行加权平均,构造出一个综合评价函数。本文以目前国家正在实施的免费师范生政策为背景,对陕西师范大学的免费师范生进行了系统性的问卷式抽样调查,并对调查结果进行整理统计和主成分分析,从而提取出免费师范生生源变化的主要影响因素(即特征)。 本文所应用的学科为模式识别,涉及到的理论方法是特征选择与特征提取,同时深刻理解K-L变换的定义、概念,以及在特征提取中的应用。 关键词:主成分分析 综合评估 特征选择 特征提取 Based on Principal Component Analysis in the Various Source of Tuition-free Normal College Student Gao Yuliang (College of Computer Science,Shaanxi Normal University, Xi′an ,Shaanxi, China) Abstract: The theory of principle component analysis can use less comprehensive variables to instead of the multivariate variables, this method can simplify the structure of the data and aggregate the original index into several principal components.Regarding the contribution rate of this principal component as right, count weighted average and make up a comprehensive assessment function. The paper take the present country policy of Tuition-free Normal College Student as a background,then the students in the Shaanxi Normal University has been carried on a systematic questionnaire and it uses the theory to analysis the statistical results, thus extract the major effect factors(That is characteristic) to the changing source of tuition-free Normal College Student. The related subjects is Pattern Recognition, in this process, the feature selection and extraction are also used. At the same time , according to the analysis, it needs to understand something as definitions, concepts of Karhunen-Loeve Transform and its application in feature extraction. Key words: principle component analysis comprehensive assessment feature selection feature extraction 1.绪论 4 1.1 课题的背景及提出的意义 4 1.1.1课题提出的背景 4 1.1.2课题提出的意义 4 1.2 研究现状 4 1.2.1 主成分分析理论简介 4 1.2.2 理论原理及基本思想 5 1.2.3 主成分分析理论在实验研究的应用情况 5 2.主成分分析的前提 6 2.1模式识别 6 2.2样品与特征 6 2.3特征提取 6 2.4特征选择 7 2.5 K-L变换 7 3



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