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摘 要
随着电子产品向智能化和微型化的不断发展,电子密码锁已广泛用于生活中,单片机已成为电子产品研制和开发中首选的控制器。由于单片机具有体积小,耗电少,控制精度高,运行可靠等特点,所以广泛应用于实际生产中。为了更好地推广电子锁在各个领域中的应用,在此根据任务要求设计了一种基于AT89C51单片机控制的电子密码锁。并介绍了AT24C04存储器和1602显示器及工作原理、设计思想以及硬件电路和软件程序等。装置应用AT89C51单片机,通过单片机编写程序,并用LCD1602显示密码。显示屏上可以显示当前输入的六位数字。当输入密码正确时,对应的指示灯亮,显示器上显示password ok;当密码输入错误的次数超过三次时,蜂鸣器发出报警信号同时显示器上显示password error。
Along with the electronic product miniaturization to the intelligent and continuous development electronic password lock has been widely used in life, SCM has become the electronic product research and development in the preferred controller. Because the SCM has the advantages of small volume, low power consumption, high control precision, reliable operation and so on, so it is widely applied in actual production. In order to better promote the electronic lock in various fields of application, then according to the requirements of task design based on AT89C51MCU control of the electronic code lock. This paper introduces AT24C04memory and a 1602display and the principle of work, design concept and the hardware circuit and software program. Application of single chip microcomputer device AT89C51, through the program, and LCD1602 display code. The display can display the current input six numbers. When the input password is correct, the corresponding indicator light, display password OK; when the password input error more than three times, the buzzer sends out alarm signal at the same time display on password error.
Key Words: Password lock, MCU, MemoryAT24C04, LCD1602
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题的背景和意义 1
1.2电子密码锁的趋势 2
第二章 系统总体设计方案 3
2.1密码锁具体设计要求 3
2.2总体设计方案选定 3
第三章 硬件系统设计 5
3.1系统芯片介绍 5
3.1.1单片机AT89C51功能介绍 5
3.1.2存储芯片AT24C04介绍 7
3.1.3LCD1602显示器介绍 8
3.2硬件电路设计 9
3.2.1键盘输入电路 9
3.2.2电源输入电路 10
3.2.3掉电存储电路 10
3.2.4晶振电路 11
3.2.5复位电路 12
3.2.6显示电路 12
3.2.7报警电路 13
3.2.8开锁电路 13
3.3电路设计总图 14
第四章 软件系统设计 16
4.1主程序流程图 16
4.2按键软件设计 17
4.2.1按键功能程序流程图 17
4.2.2按键功能子程序 17
4.3密码设置软件设计 18
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