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题 目 基于小波变换的图像去噪方法研究 学生姓名 学号 所在学院 物 理 与 电 信 工 程 学 院 专业班级 通 信 工 程 专 业 1204 班 指导教师 完成地点 物 理 与 电 信 工 程 学 院 实 验 中 心 2016 年 6月 1日 基于小波变换的图像去噪方法研究 (陕西理工学院物理与电信工程学院通信1204班,陕西 汉中 ) 指导教师: [摘 要] 图像在生成和传输的过程中受到噪声的干扰,这对信息的处理,传输和存储造成了很大的影响,本文研究了基于小波变换的图像降噪方法,首先对噪声图像进行多次分解,然后对噪声图像进行水平方向垂直方向以及对角方向三个方向的阈值处理,最后再对与之处理后的图像进行小波逆变换得到噪声处理后的图像。最后在matlab下对这算法进行仿真,验证了算法去噪效果。 [关 键 词] 小波变换 图像去噪 阈值 滤波 MATLAB Research on image denoising method based on Wavelet Transform Zhuodan Liu Tutor:ChenLi Abstract: In the process of image generation and transmission will be disturbed by noise, which for information processing, transmission and storage have had a great influence. We have been pursuing the goal is to find a not only effectively reduce the noise, but also well preserved edge information. Wavelet analysis is a localized frequency analysis, which uses time domain and frequency domain characteristics of the signal joint representation is an effective tool for non-stationary signal analysis. It does this by stretching, scaling translation and other operational functions of the signal multi-scale detailed analysis can effectively extract information from the signal. The object of this study is to add white Gaussian noise, impulse noise and speckle noise, signal processing, the effect of noise by the transmission, which affects picture clarity, this article is added to the image noise reduction processing in order to improve picture quality . Image noise reduction method using wavelet analysis in this paper, the method to overcome the traditional method of noise reduction, better noise reduction under the premise of a good image


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