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CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 5 Trees Representation of Trees Left Child - Right Sibling Propositional Calculus Expression A variable is an expression. If x and y are expressions, then ?x, x?y, x?y are expressions. Parentheses can be used to alter the normal order of evaluation (? ? ?). Example: x1 ? (x2 ? ?x3) satisfiability problem: Is there an assignment to make an expression true? for (all 2n possible combinations) { generate the next combination; replace the variables by their values; evaluate root by traversing it in postorder; if (root-value) { printf(combination); return; } } printf(“No satisfiable combination \n”); void post_order_eval(tree_pointer node) { /* modified post order traversal to evaluate a propositional calculus tree */ if (node) { post_order_eval(node-left_child); post_order_eval(node-right_child); switch(node-data) { case not: node-value = !node-right_child-value; break; case and: node-value = node-right_child-value node-left_child-value; break; case or: node-value = node-right_child-value | | node-left_child-value; break; case true: node-value = TRUE; break; case false: node-value = FALSE; } } } Threaded Binary Trees (Continued) Application: priority queue machine service amount of time (min heap) amount of payment (max heap) factory time tag Data Structures unordered linked list unordered array sorted linked list sorted array heap Binary Search Tree Heap a min (max) element is deleted. O(log2n) deletion of an arbitrary element O(n) search for an arbitrary element O(n) Binary search tree Every element has a unique key. The keys in a nonempty left subtree (right subtree) are smaller (larger) than the key in the root of subtree


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