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第四天 6.24   6. post hoc , ergo prepter hoc = after this , therefore because of thisP46 47 , P55 81   7. concurrence P36 5 , P50 61   8. incomplete comparison or selective comparison P54 78   9. composition and division   composition:把个体特征不恰当的移植到整体上   division:把群体特征简单的移植到个体上   P48 55   最后段的写作:   两项任务:   1.指出原论者未能有效的支持自己的结论   2.指出原论者可以从正文分析的几个方面加强原论证。   针对正文几个topic sentence作者应在这几个方面加强   Module: p75-p79   Issue (是非问题)   Strategy: P67   选题:   构思:brainstorm   开头:陈述问题背景,指出自己论点   正文:2~3段,分别支持自己立场   1.每段要有一个主题   2.展开论述   3.复杂性,让步,修正   4.使用信号词   结尾:   语言问题:check P68   Brainstorm快速构思   1.从大脑里调出尽可能多的相关信息   2.充分relax   3.快速记忆   Issue的典型立场   Agree P104 3   Disagree P108 47   闪光句型:----结论   1. to sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility cause the evidence cited in theanalysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. Tostrengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidenceconcerning…   2. moreover, it would be necessary for the arguer to rule out all theabove-mentioned possibilities before we can better evaluate the argument.   3. As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logicallyacceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that…   4. additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possiblecauses…   5. To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we acceptthe conclusion, the arguer must present more facts to demonstrate that…   6. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidenceconcerning…   7. In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid andmisleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would haveto prove that…   8. Moreover, I would suspend (推迟) my judgment about the credibility of therecommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that… ? 第五天6.28   一、Issue的典型立场   1. Agree P104 3   2. Disagree P108 47   3. Agree with concession P105 16   4. Disagree with concession P107 34   5. Refuse to take sides拒绝站在任何一边case by cas


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