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不同时效状态 3J2 1合金拉伸性能 1 2 1 2 金晓鸥   张松愉   薛文博   何世禹 ( 1 黑龙江大学建筑工程学院 ,哈尔滨  150086) (2 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 ,哈尔滨  150001) 文  摘  在万能拉伸试验机上对大气环境下欠时效态 、峰时效态和过时效态 3J2 1合金的拉伸性能进行研 究 ,并采用金相显微镜 、X射线衍射仪对各时效态金相组织及物相进行分析 ,采用 TEM 对固溶态 、时效态试样 及拉伸断口附近形变的显微组织进行分析 ,采用扫描电镜对拉伸断口进行观察 。结果表明,峰时效态 3J2 1合 金的拉伸强度和屈服强度均略高于欠时效态和过时效态合金 ,但其伸长率略低于欠时效态和过时效态合金 ;各 时效态合金的拉伸断口均为韧窝断口,欠时效态合金断口附近显微组织中滑移线之间的距离最小 ,峰时效态合 金滑移线之间的距离最大 ,而过时效态合金滑移线之间的距离介于两者之间。 关键词  3J2 1合金 ,时效 ,拉伸性能 Ten sile Prop erties of 3J21 A lloy at D ifferent Aged States 1 2 1 2 J in X iaoou   Zhang Songyu   Xue W enbo   H e Sh iyu ( 1 Schoo l of A rch itectu re and Engineering, H eilongj iang U n iversity, H arb in 150086) (2 Schoo l of M aterials Science and Engineering, H arb in In stitute of Techno logy, H arb in 150001) A b stract A study wa s conducted of the ten sile p rop ertie s of 3J2 1 alloy at underaged, p eakaged and overaged state s on a un iversal ten sile te st m ach ine at room temp eratu re under atmo sp heric condition s. Moreover, a m etallo grap h ic m icro scop e and X ray diffractom eter were u sed to analyze the m etallograp h ic structu re and p hysical p ha se of the alloy at variou s aged state s. B y emp loying a tran sm ission electron m icro scop e an analysis wa s conducted of the sp ecim en s of so lid so lu tion state and aged state a s well a s the m icro structu re of deform ation near the ten sile fractu re. W ith the u se of a scann ing electron m icro scop e a ten sile fractu re wa s ob served. It is found that at room temp eratu re and p eakaged


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