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Chapter 7 Writing Persuasive Message 1. Using three-step writing process for persuasive messages 2. Developing Persuasive Messages 3. Identifying Types of Persuasive Messages Step 1:Planning the Message Analyze the Situation Profile the Audience Step 2: Writing the Message Organizing the Message Composing the Message Step 3: Completing the Message 2. Developing Persuasive Messages Logic Appeal and Emotions Appeal Reinforce Your Position Dealing With Resistance Common Sales Mistakes 3. Identifying Types of Persuasive Messages Persuasive Requests for Action Persuasive Claims and Adjustments Marketing and Sales Messages Applying the AIDA Model Getting Attention Building Interest Increasing Desire Motivating Action Maintain High Standards The best persuasive messages are closely related to your audience’s desires and interests. To assess various individual needs, you can refer to specific information such as demographics (the age, gender, occupation, income, education, and other quantifiable characteristics of the people youre trying to persuade) and psychographics (the personality, attitudes, lifestyle, and other psychological characteristics of an individual). Both types of information are strongly influenced by culture. When analyzing your audience, take into account their cultural expectations and practices so that you dont undermine your persuasive message by using an inappropriate appeal or by organizing your message in a way that seems unfamiliar or uncomfortable to your audience. Once situation analysis is complete, gather the information necessary to close the gap between what your audience knows, believes, or feels right now and what you want them to know, believe, or feel as a result of receiving your message. Most persuasive messages are a combination of logical and emotional factors, but the ratio varies wildly from message to message. Persuasive messages can be found in virtually every communication medium ever devised, from instant messages and co


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