导游英语情景口语Item7-2 游览颐和园.ppt

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导游英语情景口语Item7-2 游览颐和园

Model 2: Touring the Summer Palace 游览颐和园 Warm-up :Can you say the Chinese names of the following English Proper names concerning the Summer Palace? Would you please introduce one or two scenic spots in English? Anglo-French Allied forces(英法联军), the Long Corridor(长廊), the Western Dike(西堤), the Kunming Lake(昆明湖), the Longevity Hill(万寿山), the Palace of Benevolent Longevity(仁寿殿), the Hall of Dispelling Clouds(排云殿), the Tower of Buddhist Incense (佛香阁), the Garden of Harmonious Interest(谐趣园), the Suzhou Shopping Street(苏州街), the Seventeen-Arch Bridge(十七孔桥). Words and Phrases imperial adj. 皇家的,皇帝的 bronze n. 青铜 antler n. 鹿角 hoof n. 蹄子 hectare ? n. 公顷 corridor n. 走廊 extensive adj. 广阔的,广泛的 summit n. 顶峰,顶点 picturesque adj. 如画的,美丽的 the Longevity Hill 万寿山 Kunming Lake 昆明湖 the Long Corridor 长廊 the Palace of Benevolent Longevity 仁寿殿 the Hall of Dispelling Clouds, 排云殿 Useful Expressions 1. We will put ourselves completely in your hands. 我们完全听从你的安排。 2. Would you please take a photo of me here? 请在这儿给我拍张照好吗? 3. It was believed that the animal could detect the disloyal persons, preventing them from entering. 据说这种动物能够识别小人,不让他们入内。 4. The Summer Palace is the best-preserved and largest imperial garden in China. 颐和园是中国保存最完整、最大的皇家园林。 5. I’m afraid one day is not enough to see all the interesting places. 恐怕一天是看不完所有的景观。 6. We can have an extensive view of all the fascinating places. 所有景色一览无余。 7. What fun it is for us to row boats on the lake! 湖上放舟该多惬意呀! 8. After the short break, we will go to some other places worth visiting. 短暂休息后,我们去别的值得一看的地方。 Listen and Answer 1. What type of garden is the Summer Palace? It is a typical imperial garden in China. 2. What functions do


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