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Chapter5 Operation System Piston Engine and Propeller Chapter5 Operation System 5.1? Ignition system 5.2? Starter system 5.3? Fuel system 5.4? Lubrication system 5.5? Cooling system 5.1 Ignition System 内容: 提前点火; 功用:产生高压电,并在恰当的时间提供火花,按着火顺序点燃汽缸中的混合气; 采用双重(dual)点火:安全的,即使有一个点火系统失效;产生更有效的燃油燃烧。 5.1 Ignition System Dual ignition system Two spark plugs per cylinder 5.1 Ignition System 内容: 永磁发电机(magneto)的结构和原理: 它由发动机(曲轴)驱动; 原理:磁铁的旋转产生电流; 产生火花的关键是定时; 通过闭合开关,在次级线圈产生高压电; 火花塞(spark plug) 分电器(distributor):按缸着火顺序和转速。 5.1 Ignition System Structure and Operation Principle 5.1 Ignition System 点火开关的使用:有2个独立的点火系统,可选择L, R, BOTH; 当仅一个永磁发电机运转时: 转速下降 (slight drop in rpm) 平稳性下降 (not as smoothly as on two) 燃烧效率降低 (decrease the efficiency) 5.1 Ignition System Switch from BOTH to L, 应该造成drop in rpm,轻微的rougher running. 如果转速不下降,可能R电机不工作; Just prior to take-off, pilot check two magneto systems 比较转速差,Check at 1600 rpm on BOTH, magneto drop 125 rpm maximum on either L or R, 同时2个转差不超过50rpm 5.1 Ignition System 要记住一个重要的问题: Switch to OFF 使电源接地(ground) Unable to supply a spark. 但出现线路故障,则开关不能接地。 5.1 Ignition System Advanced spark The purpose of the ignition system A dual ignition systems The magneto The produce of spark Distributor 5.1 Ignition System Use of the ignition switch There are two separate ignition systems Engine will run a slight drop in rpm, with just one magneto operation OFF may not ground 5.2 Starter System 起动: 把发动机从静止状态加速到慢车。 起动系统的功用: 在地面或空中一定范围内使发动机稳定可靠地起动起来。它关系到能否按时、及时起飞。 5.2 Starter System 5.2 Starter System Electric starter motor 电磁开关的功用:为避免使用大功率电缆,则在座舱中使用电磁开关控制起动电流连到起动电机。 Starter warning light:起动机被连通后,灯闪亮,飞行员应立即释放开关。偶尔出现电动机与起动机不能脱开,灯将持续闪亮,此时应关闭发动机。 Oil pressure gauge within 30 seconds 5.2 Starter System 5.2 Starter System Operating way of dual ignition system, 每个缸仅仅L 磁电机用于起动,起动后开关置于 BOTH ,才激活R。 Two design limitations of magnetos 磁电机的两个设计局限性: 一是磁电机慢转(60rpm)引不起火花; 二是由于火花提前角是固定的,造成倒转。(kick-back) 5.2 Starter System 措施:安装冲击联轴器(impulse coupling) Two fun
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