员工手册 百威英博 酿酒制造商公司管理规定.pdf

员工手册 百威英博 酿酒制造商公司管理规定.pdf

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员工手册 百威英博 酿酒制造商公司管理规定

百威英博员工手册 百威英博员工手册 Welcome Join Anheuser Busch InBev! We strive to become the best beer company in a better world. Great people are the most valuable assets of our company and can lead our organization to accomplish that mission in which we have strong belief. You are willing to be the best and always inspire those around you to do the same. You know where the road to where we want to be is and help us find or get everyone back on the road when needed. At heart of our culture is ownership and transparency, we share the information with you and you take responsibilities yourselves. Therefore great efforts were committed to build an efficient system in developing and engaging our talent. This handbook will help you better understand our company and culture. Proper expectation is expected from both the company and the employee. I hope that you can read this book carefully as it’ll be a reference for your future work. The continuous improvement of company’s performance counts on each of you. We dedicate to provide you with great opportunities to develop your skills and competencies. With your contribution, I believe we will have a brighter future. Let’s grow up together and make the dream come true! Miguel Patricio Zone President APAC 欢迎加入百威英博! 从今天起,您将成为百威英博大家庭的一员,我期待和您一起紧密合作来实现我们的共同梦想。我们 的梦想是“做最佳啤酒公司,酿造更美好世界”。我们坚信,作为公司最有价值的资产——优秀的您将会 和我们共同完成这一使命。我们有强烈的意愿做到最好,并且鼓舞其他人也做到这一点。公司的核心就是 主人翁精神和开诚布公,共享信息并主动承担责任。我们不走捷径、诚信踏实、努力、优良品质和始终如 一,对于打造一个伟大的公司而言至关重要。 本手册将帮助您更好地了解公司和文化,请您仔细阅读,并将其作为您今后每天工作的参照标准,以 更好地适应未来的工作。 公司未来的持续发展需要每一个人的努力,我们会尽力提供机会来发展您的技能和能力。我相信有各 位的共同努力,我们可以做到更好。 让我们共同成长,去实现我们美好的梦想! 傅玫凯 亚太区总裁 百威英博员工手册 员 工 手 册 员 工 手 册 (2010 年 12 月) 百威英博员工手册 目录 百威英博全球概况



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