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第 18 卷第 5 期 体 育 学 刊 Vol.18 No.5 2011 年 9 月 Journal of Physical Education S e p . 2 0 1 1 古希腊竞技体育中暴力因素的文化学解读 9 于华 (江苏宿迁学院 基础部,江苏 宿迁 223800) 摘 要:古希腊体育活动中暴力一直是其发展的主线。由古希腊种种体育竞技赛会起源的神 话传说可以看出古希腊人性中对暴力的推崇。在荷马史诗的暴力描述中折射出古希腊人多种族混 融过程的艰难与血腥。由于古希腊奴隶城邦制迫使军事化体育活动成为古希腊人生活的一种常态, 这种生存状态无形中构成了古希腊人暴力体育竞技的基础。最终古希腊人将暴力与文明共同融合 在竞技体育之中,相互约束、相互牵制,达到一种完美的动态平衡。 关 键 词:体育文化;竞技体育;暴力;古希腊 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2011)05-0043-05 Culturological interpretation of violence factors in competitive sports in ancient Greece YU Hua (Basic Departmen ,Jiangsu Suqian College ,Suqian 223800,China ) Abstract: Violence in sports activities in ancient Greece had always been the main course of its development. The admiration of violence by the ancient Greek can be seen from all sorts of tales and legends about the origin of sports competitions in ancient Greece. The hardship and bloodiness of the ancient Greek in the process of blending of mul- tiple races were reflected in the description of violence in the Homer Epic. Since the slave city-state system in an- cient Greece forced militarized sports activities to become an ordinary state of life of the ancient Greek, such a state of existence virtually constituted the foundation for violent sports competition of the ancient Greek. Finally, the an- cient Greek blended violence and civilization into competitive sports, and they mutually restrained and restricted to achieve a sort of perfect dynamic balance. Key words: sport culture ;;competitive spor


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