the American Civil War- webquest 示范.doc

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the American Civil War- webquest 示范

WebQuest案例 the American Civil War (one chapter: teaching in 2 sessions,90 minutes for each session) Part 1---Lead-in Part 2--- Tasks Part 3---detailed class activities (process) Part 4--- Resources Part 5---assessment Part 6 --- conclusion Part 1---Lead-in When was the beginning of the civil war?When was the ending of the civil war?What were the reasons of the war?What were the great events related to the war? Who were the important roles of the war? What was the historic significance of the events? why did the United States of America stop being united and start killing each other instead? Part 2---Tasks Students would be asked to read some background information about the US civil war and think about the war’s development and effects. During the class time, Lecturer (teacher) will deliver the detailed contents including the starting time of the war and its ending time. Some important historic events, and crucial persons, like Lincoln, General Mcclellan and so on. Students will be divided into several groups (8- 10 in each) to discus some events’ significance after the events are introduced or offer some relative information before some events are explained. After all events are introduced and analyzed, an assignment of writing a 800-words essay will be given. One example of group discussion will be shown as below: Students can discussed about the areas for the South and the North, which would be based on students’ previous reading. Relative information can be: USA divided: slave states (15 in 1861 – South) free states (19 in 1861 – North, Mid-West, and California) Part 3 detailed class activities 1--- Lecturer’s detailed delivery about background information or possible reasons of the war Slavery: The BIG Issue (one of the reasons for the war) Only about 25% of Southern families owned slaves: justified on economic grounds, religious grounds, social grounds. “Negroes are too high [priced] in pr


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