M1U1 There wasn’t a pond说课.doc

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M1U1 There wasn’t a pond说课

M1U1 There wasn’t a pond.说课 [教学内容]外语教学与研究出版社?新标准英语?第9册(供一年级起始用)?Module 1?Unit 1?Period 1 [设计思路] 运用新课程标准的理念,采用任务型教学模式,让学生通过小组合作交流,运用“Therewas/were…” “There is/are…” 来描述学校、家庭、城市等的变化, [教学时数] Period 1  40分钟 [教学目标] 1、掌握“before”与“now”的用法。 2、能用句型:“Therewas/were…” “There is/are…”或者“Therewasn’t/weren’t…” “There isn’t/aren’t…”,来谈论学校、家庭、城市的变化。 [教学重点] 1、掌握新单词:a pond, ?a swing, ?a slide, ?different 2、掌握句型“There was/ were…”与“There wasn’t /weren’t …”以及如何综合运用语言知识来谈论学校、家庭、城市的变化。 [教学难点]熟练运用句型“There was/ were…”,“There wasn’t /weren’t”以及如何综合运用语言知识来谈论学校、家庭、城市的变化。 [教学准备] 多媒体课件,图片,板书设计 [教学过程] Step 1?Greetings Step 2?Warm-up activities 1.   Sing a song “Bingo” 2.   (CAI shows a picture of a park) Ask the students to talk about the picture with the sentence: “There is / are… ” and “there isn’t / aren’t…”. (从学生已经学过的语言知识入手,由难到易,自然过渡) Step 3?Presentation 1.   (CAI shows a picture of our new school) T: Look! There are two buildings now.? (CAI shows a picture of our school: before) T: But in 2002, were there two buildings ??(Ss: No) There was only one building before. (学生都亲身经历了新旧教学楼的变迁,这样的语言知识的呈现方式迅速引起了学生的共鸣,让学生带着好奇心与悬念来学习语言知识。) 2.   Show the sentence : There was a … before, read the sentence: There was only one building before. 3.   Learn the words: “before” and “now”. ?CAI shows the different time: 2005-10-25(当时上课的时间) and 2005-3-25, 1999 and 2005, etc. Ask the students to distinguish “now” and “before”. (同时呈现两个时间,学生可以在直观形象的语境中操练“now” and “before”.) 4.   Learn to say: There weren’t …before. (CAI shows the picture of a park: now) T: Look! Swings, There are … (T elicit the students to say : There are swings now.) But before, were there any swings here? (CAI shows the picture of a park: before) There weren’t any swings before. (学生对问句:were there any swings here?一定会很陌生,但是这对理解句子的意思并没什么障碍,加大语言信息输入量,以刺激学生语言输出。) 5.   Talk about the picture of Activity 3 on Page 3. Step 4?Practice 1.   Group work : Discuss the changes of some places in groups, then show their work. (CAI shows the pictures of Page


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