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国合会课题: 中国绿色转型研究 —总体思路 Evaluation and Prospects for Green Transition in China --- Overall thoughts on the project 中国的绿色转型已取得一些重要的阶段性成果 Green transition in China has achieved some important initial results 制定了一系列保护环境的法律法规 Formulated a series of laws and regulations to protect the environment 采取了污染治理、节能减排、淘汰落后产能、生态保护等一系列重要措施 Adopted a series of important measures on pollution control and energy conservation, etc. 转型评价 Evaluating the transition 单位GDP能耗持续下降,清洁和可再生能源比重明显上升 unit GDP energy consumption continued to decline, the proportion of clean and renewable energy evidently increased 部分污染排放指标有所改善 part of the emission indicators have improved 转型评价 Evaluating the transition 能源消费总量随经济增长而持续上升,已超过美国,占世界20%以上 Total energy consumption continued to rise along with economic growth, overtaking the US, and accounting for over 20% in the world 化石能源比重仍然过高,占90%,煤炭占66% Proportion of fossil energy is still too high, accounting for 90%, of which coal accounted for 66% 面临严峻挑战 Facing severe challenges 温室气体排放在近中期未来将继续上升 GHG emissions will continue to rise in the near and medium-term future 大气污染、水污染、土地污染情况相当严重 Situation of air, water and land pollution is quite serious 面临严峻挑战 Facing severe challenges 中国处在经济起飞和迅速城镇化过程中,经济总量迅速扩大,在一段时期内能耗和排放上升难以避免 Fast economic growth and process of urbanization cause rapid increase in energy consumption and emission. 但节能减排和减少污染的潜力很大,措施得当,情况可以大大改善,并提前越过峰值 There is great potential for energy conservation and emission reduction. With appropriate measures, situation can substantially improve. 发展阶段 Phase of development 结构失衡,过度投资,过度消耗 Structural imbalance, over-investment causing excess energy consumption 最终消费偏低,资本形成率高达GDP的48%,使能源和原材料投入居高不下 Low consumption ratio, high investment ratio 产能过剩严重,资本生产率不断下降,造成大量资源和能源浪费 Overcapacity, wasting money resources 同时带来沉重的环境负担,影响发展的可持续性 Heavy environment burden 主要原因 Main reasons 既有环境政策法规落实不到位 Under implemented laws and regulations 地方保护,唯GDP,有法不依、违法不究 Local protectionis


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