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词汇量摸底测试(1) (The Vocabulary Levels Test for Passive Vocabulary Size) 班级:__________ 姓名__________ 各位同学, 为了更好地了解你的英语学习情况,做到因材施教,请您认真地完成一下词汇测试。做题时根据单词的意思,从左侧列出的6个词中选出3个,填入右侧相应的空格。 注意:您只需把左侧单词的标号(数字)填入即可,不必填写单词。 The 2,000 word level 1) 1 copy 2 event _____ end or highest point 3 motor _____ this moves a car 4 pity _____ thing made to be like another 5 profit 6 tip 2) 1 accident 2 debt _____ loud deep sound 3 fortune _____ something you must pay 4 pride _____ having a high opinion of yourself 5 roar 6 thread 3) 1 coffee 2 disease _____ money for work 3 justice _____ a piece of clothing 4 skirt _____ using the law in the right way 5 stage 6 wage 4) 1 clerk 2 frame ____ a drink 3 noise ____ office worker 4 respect ____ unwanted sound 5 theater 6 wine 5)1 bitter 2 independent _____ beautiful 3 lovely _____ small 4 merry _____ liked by many people 5 popular 6 slight 6) 1 admire 2 complain _____ make wider or longer 3 fix _____ bring in for the first time 4 hire _____ have a high opinion of someone 5 introduce 6 stretch 7) 1 arrange 2 develop _____ grow 3 lean _____ put in order 4 owe _____ like more than something else 5 prefer 6 seize 8) 1 blame 2 elect ____ make 3 jump ____ choose by voting 4 manufacture ____become like water 5 melt 6 threaten 9) 1 ancient 2 curious _____ no t easy 3 difficult _____ very old 4 entire _____ related to God 5 holy 6 social 10) 1 dozen 2 empire _____ pleasing quality 3 gift _____ twelve 4 charm _____ money paid to the government 5 relief 6 tax The 3,000 word level 11) 1 bull 2 champion _____ formal and serious manner 3 dignity _____ winner of a sporting event 4 hell _____ building where valuable objects are shown 5 museum 6 solution 12) 1 blanket 2 contest _____ holiday 3 generation _____ good quality 4 merit _____ wool covering used on beds 5 plot 6 vacation 13) 1 comment 2 gown _____ long formal dress 3 impor


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