(精选)欧洲文化入门Europe Culture 1 Greek Culture and Roman Culture课件.ppt

(精选)欧洲文化入门Europe Culture 1 Greek Culture and Roman Culture课件.ppt

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Europe Culture An Introduction 1;Map of Europe ;;Greek Culture and Roman Culture;The Historical Contexts;The Historical Contexts;;Social and Political Structure ;Athens was a democracy Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.;Athens was a democracy Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.;Athens was a democracy Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.;Greeks loved sports;Homer;希臘方面為了奪回海倫,公元前1194年,亞該亞希臘人組織一千艘的船對進攻特洛伊,以斯巴達王的長兄邁 錫尼王亞格門能 (亞金面羅王) 為統帥。經過十年悠久歲月,仍然不能攻下特洛伊城。「伊里亞德」就是歌 詠這十年當中最後數十天所發生的事。 希臘聯軍的英雄阿奇里斯 (Achilles) 和阿伽門農 (Agamemnon) 發生爭吵沒有出戰,阿奇里斯的好友派羅克 魯斯 (Patroklos),代替阿奇里斯上陣,而被特洛伊的統帥王子霍克得 (Hektor) 殺死。阿奇里斯傷心欲絕,立誓要報仇。他穿上全新的甲冑,衝入敵陣大戰特洛伊軍。特洛伊軍被英勇的阿奇里斯打得落花流水,紛紛逃回城中。 此時霍克得雖然擔心自己死後國家和妻子的命運,但為了名譽,單獨出城和阿奇里斯決一死戰。最後,阿奇里斯有雅典娜女神的幫忙,將霍克得殺死,達到報仇的心願。阿奇里斯並將霍克得的屍體縛在戰車上拖著走。特洛伊的老王普利亞摩斯,為了要回兒子的遺體,親自訪問阿奇里斯的營地,於是兩人共嘆命運的悲哀。老王將兒子的遺體運回充滿悲傷的特洛伊城舉行葬禮。;奧德賽(The Odessey); 最後,奧德賽得神助,乘坐一艘在一夜之間可到達世界各地的奇異船,在睡眠中回到故鄉伊他開。在那裡, 奧德賽得到雅典娜女神的鼓勵,還有兒子和兩位忠實部下的協助,並得知其妻對其的忠貞,從武器倉庫裡取出古時候留傳下來的大弓箭,將那些惡劣的求婚者一一射殺。貝尼蘿蓓亞以為奧德賽在特洛伊陣亡,見丈夫平安歸來驚喜萬分,一家人終於團圓。;Troy Wooden Horse; ; ;philosophy; There had been the Sophists, who were the teacher of arguing. The most eminent of them was Protagoras. He is chiefly noted for his doctrine that “man is the measure of all thing.” The Cynics got their name because Diogenes(about 412—323B.C.) Archimedes did important work not only in geometry, but also in arithmetic, machanics,and hydrostatics ;Architechture;the Doric style;The Doric order is very plain, but powerful-looking in its design. There are many examples of ancient Doric buildings.;Perhaps the most famous one is the Parthenon in Athens ;Ionic capitals consist of a scrolls above the shaft ;The Little Rock AME Zion Church in downtown Charlotte is a good example showing Ionic columns ;;The Corinthian capitals have flowers and leaves below a small scroll. The shaft has flutes ;The Corinthian order is the most decorative and is usually the one most modern people like b



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