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2010, 26 ( 6) : 610 - 615 J ournal of E cology and R ural E nv ironm ent 李青青 ( , 200233) : , , , ( a ) (, , ) - 6 - 6 - 1 - 1 - 5 - 6 189 10 093 10 mg ! kg ! d , 138 10 679 10 , ( ∀ 10- 6 ) ( a) 779 10- 10 mg! m- 3 , 686 10- 10 , - 1 , 5 (w, m g! kg ) : ( a) , 0994; ( a, h ) , 0995; ( a ) , 995; ( b ) , 995; ( k ) , 995 : ; ; ; ; ; ; : X53 : A : 1673- 483 1( 2010) 06- 06 10 - 06 Procedures and M e thodology for S tudying So il Rem ed iation O bjectives Based on the H um an R isk A sse ssm en t A Case Study of R euse of PAHCon tam inated Soil in Shanghai. L I Q ing q ing ( Shangha iA cademy o Env ironm enta l Sc i ences, Shangha i 200233, Ch ina) Abstract M e thodo logy and procedures or study ing so il rem ed ia tion goa ls are introduced, based on human hea lth r isk as sessm en .t P roperties o PAHcontam inated so il and expo sure scenario in the land ill site are ana ly zed and smi ulated. R e sults show that the m ax mi um expo sure intake (M E Is) benzo( a ) py rene by ora l ing estion and de rm al contact is 189 10- 6 - 6 - 1 - 1 and 093 10 m g! kg ! d , respectively. T he max mi um carc inog en ic r isk (M CR s) o the wt o exposure pathw ays is at 138 10- 5 and 679 10- 6 , separa tely, bo th o w h ich exceed the acceptable ca rc inog en ic r isk level o 10- 6. T his level is the benchm ark regulated or assess ing th


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