C 企业进销存管理系统开发与设计 ER图.doc

C 企业进销存管理系统开发与设计 ER图.doc

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C 企业进销存管理系统开发与设计 ER图.doc

C#企业进销存管理系统开发与设计+ER图 摘要:本次课题的主要任务在于开发出一部操作简单、安全、灵活、可操作性强,基本实现企业信息化管理的企业进销存管理系统。主要分为以下几大模块,即:进货管理模块、销售管理模块、库存管理模块、基础数据管理模块、系统维护管理模块、辅助功能模块。负责处理企业进货、进货退货、销售、销售提货、库存等环节的活动。该系统是基于SQL2008数据库,并采用VS2010为开发环境设计实现的。本文主要介绍了该系统的主要设计思想、功能的部分实现及数据库的设计。由于是为公司量身定做的系统,采用的是公司具体信息资料,繁杂程度超过想象,多亏导师和公司的勉励,基本完成从需求分析,到系统整体设计,到数据库设计,到前台编写,及整体系统实现。因本身能力有限且时间紧迫,我采用的是选取一个最基本的进销存系统框架,然后在其上进行加工修改,直到符合公司的具体情况。9138 关键词:进销存管理系统;进货管理;销售管理;库存管理;基础数据管理Enterprise Invoicing Management System Abstract:The main task of this subject is to develop an enterprise invoicing management system which is simple, safe, flexible, easy operability and basically realization of the enterprise information management. Itrsquo;s mainly pided into the following several modules, such as, stock management module, sales management module, inventory management module, basic data management module, system maintenance management module, the auxiliary function module. Itrsquo;s responsible for the purchase, purchase returns, sales, sales delivery, inventory and other aspects of activities. This system is designed based on database SQL2008, and uses VS2010 as development environment. This paper mainly introduces the main idea of the system design, realization of part function and database design. Since the system is tailor-made for the company, using the companyrsquo;s specific information, the degree of complexity more than imagination, thanks to the encouragement of mentors and companies, basically complete from requirements analysis to the overall system design, database design, to the front desk to prepare and the overall system. Due to my limited capacity and time is running out, I used to select a basic invoicing system framework and processing modifications on it, until they meet the company#39;s specific circumstances. 4系统数据库设计10 4.1数据库概述10 4.2系统实体E-R图11 4.3系统数据表设计14 4.3.1库存产品信息表15 4.3.2往来单位信息表16 4.3.3公司职员信息表18 4.3.4塑封订单信息表18 4.3.5塑封退货信息表19 4.3.6入库信息表20 4.3.7销售订单信息表21 4.3.8销售退货信息表22 4.3.9发货出库信息表23 4.3.10白板申请信息表24


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