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論司馬遷之 「悲士不遇」情結 林欣儀* 摘要 「士不遇」是中國文學的基本母題之一,從《詩經》到後代許多被貶謫的作品,「不 遇」成為許多士人心中永遠的痛,它是許多有才之人的集體創傷。魯迅評《史記》為 「史家之絕唱,無韻之離騷」,「離騷」二字更是隱含司馬遷的心中之痛,在於「不遇」。 本文就「士不遇」的主題,先釐清《史記》中有關「士」的定義,以西漢時代的「士 不遇」現象,說明人才在時代的改變下,有何心情轉折,以了解司馬遷生存年代的社 會實況,並以〈屈原賈生列傳〉與〈李將軍列傳〉為例,就內文 探討司馬遷如何描寫 屈原、賈誼、李廣 等人,從這些人「不遇」的共同經驗中,分析司馬遷的「悲士不遇」 情結。 關鍵字:不遇、司馬遷、史記、屈原賈生列傳、李將軍列傳 * 成大中國文學系博士候選人 84 Sima Qian's complex about "sad for the scholars who have talent but no opportunity" Hsin-Yi.Lin Abstract "The scholars who have talent but no opportunity" is one of the basic motif of Chinese literature.From the time of Shijing (the Book of Poetry), to relegate the work of many generations, " unappreciated " for many scholars is a kind of pain on their mind forever, it culminated to a lot of talented people’s collective trauma. Lu Xun commented " Shiji" as the “Masterpiece of historian, Lisao but not rhyme ", "Lisao" is a piece of literature that implies that Simaqian’s pain came from his heart and from a result of “having no opportunity”. The theme of this article is “scholars without opportunities”. First, it plans to clarify the definition of the word “scholar” using the phenomenon of “scholars without opportunities” to portray the scholars’ emotional changes during the era of Western Han Dynasty. Then, it is intended to bring understanding to the social reality during those years of Simaqian’s time period. In addition from drawing the materials from these two chapters: Biography of Qu Yuan & Mr.Jia and Biography of General Li, it explores how Simaqian described people like Chuyun, Jiayi, and Likung ect.. from their shared experience of


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