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二十九期研究生专业英语考试试卷(A) 一.英译汉English-Chinese Translation Eczema is a dermal inflammation with obvious effusing tendency caused by many internal and external factors, characterized by polymorpous and easy chronic skin rashes with easy recurrence and serious pruritus. The pathogenesis of this disaese is mainly a delayed allergic rection caused by complicated internal and external irritable factors. Eczema belongs to the categories of “Damp Boil ”and “Damp Toxic Boil”. Eczema is mostly caused by pathogenic wind,dampness and heat and chronic condition is often related to wind and dryness due to blood deficiency due to blood deficiency. The pathogenesis of this disease is mostly related to constitutional intolerance, leadingto accumulation of pathogenic wind dampness and heat in the muscle and skin. If the spleen and stomach are damaged by improper food intake to lead to failure of the spleen in transporation,mitxure of the internal dampness and external pathogenic factors,or blood heat in the boday ,and severe dampness and heat can all result in acute attack of the skin rashes in the whole body due to in filtration of dampness and heat in the muscle and skin. 二.汉译英Chinese-English Translation 外科疾病初期伴有明显表证时,运用解表药物让邪从汗解,能达到使外科疾患消散于无形之中的治疗目的。 解表法可分为辛凉解表法与辛温解表法两类, 其代表方分别为:牛蒡解肌汤或银翘散、荆防败毒散或万灵丹。 解表法在使用用时,如疮疡溃后,日久不敛,体质虚弱者,即使有外感表证的存在,也不可贸然过于发汗,以防汗出过多,耗损正气。 三.阅读写作Reading Writing Read the following article,please described the contents of the article ith about 150 words. The Specific Application of the Internal Therapy 1.Exterior-Relieving Method When the obvious exterior symptoms are accompa-nied in tile initial stage of the external diseases,the herbal drugs that can relieve the exterior symptoms are used to obtain the goal to disperse the external diseases invisibly.The exterior-relieving method can be divided into two categories:pungent and cool exterior-relieving method and pungent and warm exterior-relieving method.The representative formulas are respectivelyNiubangJiejiDecoctio


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