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歌曲《太阳的儿子》的创作与分析 摘要: 作为当代著名的作曲家,朱良镇创作了数量丰富艺术价值极高的优秀艺术作品。他的作品以真挚赤诚的民族情感,悠扬美妙的旋律伴奏,和构思精巧的曲式歌词,充分地表达了作曲家个人的生活感受和情感体验。朱良镇在其漫长的音乐生涯中,以紧密联系时代的作曲理念,不断地吸收优秀的音乐素材,创作出体裁规范、内涵丰富、节奏优美、格调高雅的艺术歌曲。本文以《太阳的儿子》作为研究朱良镇艺术歌曲创作的实例,深入探究歌曲的歌词艺术、钢琴伴奏、旋律,直观清晰的了解作曲家的创作意图,使演唱者能准确把握作曲家的创作观,更好的理解歌曲内涵和演绎作品,为积极地进行艺术歌曲的创作演绎和深入地开展声乐演唱的教学提供借鉴。 关键字:朱良镇;《太阳的儿子》;创作分析;演唱分析 Abstract As a famous contemporary composers, Zhu Liangzhen created a number of outstanding works of art, a lot of songs has been into every professional music college vocal music teaching material, representative works include: two song son of the sun the return of starlight dream of the huangpu river, the motherland I deeply love you, about the life and so on. His unique style of art song, a beautiful melody, with strong feelings, has the distinct characteristics of The Times. Zhu Liangzhen in his long career as a music, with close relation of the era of composing concept, constantly absorbing excellent music material, created a genre, connotation is rich, rhythm and beautiful, elegant style of art song. In this paper, the son of the sun as the research Zhu Liangzhen art song creation of instances, further to explore the lyrics of the song art, piano accompaniment, melody, intuitive and clear understanding of the composers creation intention, make the singer can accurately grasp the composers literary view, a better understanding of the connotation of the song and deductive works, thus to create a second successfully, sum up experience for beginners, guiding learning, in order to prosperity of Chinas contemporary art song creation, performance, theory of teaching and research. Keywords: Zhu Liangzhen; The son of the sun; Creative analysis; Singing analysis 目 录 摘要: 1 Abstract 1 目录 2 引言 4 一、朱良镇简介 4 1.1 朱良镇的音乐创作概述 5 1.2 朱良艺术歌曲的创作理念分析 7 二、艺术歌曲《太阳的儿子》的创作分析 7 2.1 《太阳的儿子》的歌词艺术 8 2.3 《太阳的儿子》的曲式结构 9 2.2 《太阳的儿子》的钢琴音乐 9 2.3 《太阳的儿子》的旋律艺术 10 三、艺术 歌曲《太阳的儿子》的演唱分析 11 3.1 深入分析作品 11 3.2 掌握演唱技法 11 3.3 提高演唱能力 12 四、结论 12 参考文献 14 致谢 15 引言 作为当代著名的作曲


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