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比尔·盖茨的2014年终总结(中英对照版) 这是传奇人物比尔·盖茨十天前在其个人网站 上发布的一篇年度总结,同 2013 年末一样,他用这种方式来做年终总结。今年,我们有哪些好消息? 我写了一些略微特别的东西来结束2013年:一份你可能已经错过的好消息的清单。 我想,以那样的方式为这一年划上句号,是一个非常棒的方式,而且人们似乎很愿意看到我们的世界在一天天变得更好。 今年,我还要这么做。 不能否认,在美国以及其他国家,2014 年是动荡的一年。但是还有好消息值得我们去庆祝:相比以前,更多的孩子得以存活;面对全世界最致命的疾病,我们在不断进步。 衡量世界是否进步,有几种重要的方法。通过这些方法我们看得到,2014 年又是进步的一年。 Looking Up I ended 2013 by compiling something slightly unusual: a list of some of the good news you might have missed. I thought it was a pretty good note to end the year on, and people seemed to like reading about some of the ways the world is becoming a better place. This year, I thought I’d do it again. Of course, we can’t ignore the fact that it’s been a turbulent year, in the United States and many other countries. But it’s worth taking a moment to celebrate some of the good news too. More children are surviving than ever before. We’re making progress against some of the world’s deadliest diseases. These are some of the most fundamental ways to measure the world’s progress—and by that measure, 2014 was definitely another good year. 壹有更多孩子过上了他们的 5 岁生日 对我来说,判断世界是否进步最好的方式,就是看看有多少孩子的死亡其实可以避免。如今,能活到 5 岁的孩子,比以往任何时代都要多。 到今年为止,已经连续 42 年,儿童的死亡率在不断下降,这个数字不止是在持续下降,下降速度也出人意料地迅速。 《经济学人》杂志今年 9 月发表的一篇文章称:自 2001 年以来,我们已经挽救了 1 360 万孩子的生命。不难想像,这是世界进步的标志。 1、More Fifth Birthdays Than Ever Before To me, one of the best ways to measure progress is to look at how many children are dying of preventable causes. And today, more kids are living to see their fifth birthday than ever before. This year, for at least the 42nd year in a row, the child mortality rate has fallen. And it’s not just moving in the right direction—it’s falling faster than anyone expected. The Economist ran a great article about this in September, where it estimated that just since 2001, the world has saved 13.6 million children’s lives. It’s hard to think of a better sign the world is improving. 贰里程碑与艾滋病的斗争 对于 HIV 病毒感染者的治疗,我们已经取得了非常不错的成果。但是前些年,不得不说,我们落在了 HIV 后面:虽然越来越多的 HIV 携带者开始接受治疗,但却总有更多的人感染了 H


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