8AUnit1课时练习2 Reading .doc

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8AUnit1课时练习2 Reading

8A Unit 1 Friends 课时练习2(Reading) 一、翻译词组 1.我最要好的朋友之一_________________ 2.愿意和朋友分享东西______________ 3.在…方面帮助某人___________________ 4.把座位让给某人__________________ 5.环球旅行___________________________ 6.想要当歌手______________________ 7.有幽默感___________________________ 8.使他看起来聪明__________________ 二、根据中文意思写单词 1.Mark Twain had a good sense of_________.(幽默) 2.If you take more exercise,you will be much_________.(苗条) 3.He has poor_________(视力)because of working on the computer too much at night. 4.If you feel_________,(厌烦)You can do something interesting. 5.She is so_________(乐于助人的)when we are in trouble. 6.I thought of my good friend when I read the________-.(广告) 7.Kate is a________(忠实)friend,we all like to make friends With her. 8.Tom is a funny boy,he likes playing________(玩笑)with others. 9.Betty is_________(慷慨),she is always willing to share things with others. 10.she is small and________(美丽).she has straight,_________(齐肩的)hair. 三、选择填空 ( )1.her father was too tired_________ too much hard work. A.because B.as C.for D.because of ( )2.Don’t worry.He is_________ to take care of little Betty. A.carefully enough B.enough careful C.careful enough D.enough careful ( )3.Mother ask me__________ computer games before finishing my homework. A.not play B.to play C.not to play D.to not play ( )4.There is_________ food in the fridge.we’ll have to buy some. A.a few B.flew C.a little D.little ( )5.Jim is very funny,we never feel_________ when we stay with him. A.worried B.afraid C.happy D.bored ( )6.Father asked me_________ the songs.He wanted to listen to the radio. A.stopping singing B.to stop singing C.to stop to sing D.stop to sing ( )7.Do you have________ to tell me? A.something other B.anything else C.interesting anything D.other anything ( )8.When he walks_______ my desk,he knocked my books_______


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