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词汇和语法知识(三) 1. I shall never forget _____her ____the song. A. to hear; to sing B. to hear; sing C. hearing; sing D. hearing; sing 2. The assistant worked into night, ______a long speech for the manager. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing 3. ____ it right, I tried again. A. Not having done B. Not doing C. Not being done D. Having not done 4. ----You look very handsome today. ----Maybe I just had _____. A. cut my hair B. my hair cut C. my hairs cut D. cutting his hair 5. ___in thought, she almost knocked into the man in front of her. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lost 6. Don’t be nervous, it’s quite safe to walk on the ____river. A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. having frozen 7. Not only ____polluted but _____crowded. A. was the city; were the streets B. the city was; the streets were C. was the city; the streets were D. the city was; were the streets 8. His uncle is _____. He is a ____ man. A. six feet tall; forty-years-old B. six foot tall; forty-year-old C. six feet tall; forty-year-old D. six feet tall; forties-year-old 9. It’s careless ____so many mistakes. A. of you to make B. for you to make C. of you making D. for you making 10. I’m sorry for _____you so much trouble. A. being brought B. brought C. having brought D. to brought 11. The whole box of matches ____wet. We can’t light any one. A. is B. are C. was D. were 12. Every picture except these two ____. A. is sold B. have sold C. has been sold D. were sold 13. Never ____forget the days when ____together with you. A. shall I ; did I live B. I shall; did I live C. I shall; I lived D. shall I; I lived 14. ____this material can be us


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