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目 录 PCM TDM E1 General characteristics E1 Framing structure E1 Alarm Brief History of the Emergence of the Digital Signal Hierarchy Digital signal hierarchy Short history of pulse coded modulation Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM) PCM is a method by which analog message can be transformed into numerical format and then decoded at the receiver PCM-method summarized Analog speech signal is applied into a LP-filter restricting its bandwidth into 3.4 kHz Sampling circuit forms a PAM pulse train having rate of 8 kHz Samples are quantized into 256 levels that requires a 8 bit-word for each sample (28=256). Thus a telephone signal requires 8x8 kHz = 64 kHz bandwidth The samples are line coded by using the HDB-3 scheme to alleviate synchronization problems at the receiver Usually one transmits several channels simultaneously following SDH hierarchy (as 30 pcs) Transmission link can be an optical fiber, radio link or an electrical cable At the receiver the PAM signal is first reconstructed where after it is lowpass filtered to yield the original-kind, analog signal PCM systems and digital time division multiplexing (TDM) In digital multiplexing several messages are transmitted via same physical channel. For multiplexing 64 kbit/s channels in digital exchanges following three methods are popular: PDH (plesio-synchronous digital hierarchy) (the dominant method today) (‘50-’60, G.702) SONET (synchronous optical network) (‘85) SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) (CCITT ‘88) Digital Signal Hierarchy Digital transmission systems In PSTN two PCM systems dominate: T1, developed by Bell Laboratories, used in USA E1, developed by CEPT* used in most of other countries In both data streams divided in frames of 8000 frames/sec In T1 (E1) 24 (32) times slots and a framing (F) bit serves 24 channels F bit (frame sync) repeats every 12 frames Frame length: 1+ 8x24=193 bits Rate 193x8000 bits/second=1544 kb/s In E1 TS 0 holds a synchronization pattern and TS 16 holds signaling informa


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