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初三英语早读内容 翻译下列短语、句子: 1、阳光城的变化 the changes to Sunshine Town 2、从那时起 since then 3、在这些年当中 over the years 4、打牌下棋 play cards and Chinese chess 5、把……变成…… turn / change sth. into sth . 6、减少污染 reduce the pollution 7、有时感到有点孤独 feel lonely from time to time 8、投入使用 be in service / use 9、上小学 in primary school 10、有同样的感受 have the same feeling11、旅游景点 tourist attractions 12、被扔掉 be thrown away 13、这些年阳光城有了很大的变化。 Sunshine Town has changed a lot over the years ./ There have been great changes over the years . 14、这条河附近过去有一家鞋厂。There used to be a shoe factory near the river . / There once was a shoe factory near the river . 15、这家工厂过去常常往河里排放废弃物。 The factory used to dump its waste into the river . 16、废弃物里的毒物使鱼和植物死了并污染了河流。 The poison in the waste killed fish and plants and polluted the river . 17、有开阔的空地和漂亮的花园是很好的事。 It’s nice to have open space and pretty gardens . 在中华人民共和国成立六十年之际,康康的加拿大朋友Michael想了解康康家乡的变化。假如你是康康,请根据以下提示给Michael 回一封电子邮件。 100词左右 过去 生活条件差,道路狭窄,车辆少,住不好,吃不饱,联系方式简单、速度慢…… 现在 生活条件优越,道路宽,车辆多,住得舒适,手机普及…… 参考词汇:living conditions , narrow(狭窄) ,be crowded , communications(通讯) , telegram(电报) , thanks to(多亏了) , policy (政策) Dear Michael , You want to learn the changes about my home town . You know , great changes have taken place since 60 years ago . In the past , the living conditions were very poor. There were not many buses or cars , and the roads were narrow . Usually , a big family was crowded into a small , dark house . Most families couldn’t get enough food . The communications were simple and slow . People kept in touch (保持联系)with others far away mainly by letter or telegram . Thanks to the government , our home town has developed quickly over the years . The living conditions are much better and more comfortable . The roads are wide . Some people have their own cars . Most of the people have lived in big new houses . Quite a few adults have mobile phones . Because of many good policies , I think our lives will become better and better . Yours


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