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09年机经分类 王萌 分类解释说明: 托福作文题目可分类的依据有很多。 根据题目内容分类,可以分为环保类、实现成功类、教育类、娱乐类等等,根据这种分类法可以总结出高频素材。 根据题目特征分类,可以分为比较型和开放型,前者顾名思义是进行比较,后者常是举出一个客观的事实,让考生去阐述该事实产生的原因、对该事实的看法等等。比较型将思路局限在题目所给出的比较范围内,有固定的套路,比较好写,而开放型则问题比较开放,没有固定思路,不太好写。所幸比较型题目远多于开放型。 我所采用的分类方法是第二种分类法,即比较型和开放型的分类法。鉴于2009年的题目中没有出现开放类试题,我以下进行的小分类全是在“比较类”的大分类下进行的。需要特别说明的是,第五类题目,即“极端类”试题虽然也是普通的比较类题目,甚至可以归入前4种,但因为极端类题目非常好辨认,且具有自己独特的写法,因此为了方便、在考场上能更好的节省时间,专门将它们特别列出,自成一类。 自我比较型 (共18道) 这一类题目在托福作文中十分常见。它是将某一事物的两个方面进行比较,比如,有关于事物A,让考生比较“支持A还是反对A”,“现在的A更好还是以前的A更好”,“A应该不应该受到更好的待遇”,等等。 解题规律: Step1. 先确定自己是支持A还是反对A,注意:支持或反对不是根据自己的直觉或内心真意,而是哪方能想出来的理由更多就写哪方。 Step2. 假设我们选择支持A,那么三个论点的安排应当是:支持A的理由(或不支持B的理由)+ 支持A的理由(或不支持B的理由)+ 虽然我也有反对A的理由,但支持A的理由更重要 若选择反对A,则解题过程反之亦然。 2009.01.10 (2007.12.01) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should not pay for public transportation. Main point I agree that people should not pay for public transportation. Reasons If people can take public transportation for free, more and more people will choose not to drive their private cars. The reduction of the wasted car gases will be very helpful for environmental protection. Citizens pay taxes to the government, and the fees for taking public transportation should be included. Though some people claim that the free public transportation policy may bring the governments a big burden, I do not think so. I think the free public transportation is one of the basic needs of the citizens, and governments have the responsibility to pay for it. 2009.01.18 (2008.2.15) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for families to have their meals together regularly. Main point I agree that it is important for the families to have meals together regularly. Reasons It is a good chance for the families to communicate with each other. Living in this rapidly developing country, most people are very busy and the family members can hardly see each other during the day time. Having meals together regularly provides the family m


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