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expense n.①消费,支出:Having a car is big expense.有汽车开销很大。 ②(用复数)费用:holiday expenses度假费用 How much do you need for school expenses?你需要多少钱作学费? 【注意】①at the expense of 以……为代价: He finished the job at the expense of his health.他完成了工作但损害了健康。 ②at one’s expense归……付费(或负担),在损害(或牺牲)……的情况下,嘲弄某人:This computer is of good quality. If it should break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense. 这种电脑的质量很好,如果在第一年中坏掉,我们会免费为你维修。Why did Berk have a good laugh?at?Allan’s?expense?为什么伯克对艾伦大加嘲笑?expensive adj.昂贵的:Houses are very expensive in the area.这地区房价很高。 Buying that car was an expensive mistake.买那辆新汽车是个代价巨大的错误。 explicit adj.清楚的,明确的:to give explicit directions给予明确的指示 He would not be more explicit about the matter.他对那件事不愿说清楚。 explode v.①爆炸:He exploded a bomb.他引爆了炸弹。 The firework exploded in his hand.he supply of books has exploded in China in recent years. 近年来,中国的书籍供应量大大增加。 export n. ①外销,出口:The export of gold is forbidden.禁止黄金出口。 ②(常用复)出口商品,输出品: Wool is one of the chief exports of Australia.羊毛是澳大利亚的主要出口货物之一。 v.出口,输出:The blood exports waste products from the tissues.血液把身体组织里的废物排出。 This country exports fruit.这个国家出口水果。 expose v.①曝露;暴露:Don’t expose it to the sun.别把它曝露在阳光下。 ②揭露:The newspaper exposed his terrible secret.报纸揭露了他骇人听闻的秘密。 express v.①表达,表示:His actions expressed his love more than any words could do. 他用行动表示的爱胜过于任何语言。 ②表明,说明:The signs on the buses are expressed in both English and Spanish. 公共汽车上的标志用英语和西班牙语说明。 n.①快车:The next day I left for London on the express.第二天我搭了快车赴伦敦。 ②快件,特快专递:Send the letter by express.这封信寄快件。 expression n. ①表达,表示:She gave expression to her sadness.她显出忧伤的样子。 ②词句,说法:It’s a favorite expression of the day.这是当今的热门说法。 ③表情,神情:She always has a sleepy expression.她总是一副懒洋洋的表情。 【注意】①beyond expression无法形容: She was beautiful beyond expression.她美得无法形容。 ②without expression毫无表情: His face was without expression.他的脸上毫无表情。 extraordinary adj.离奇的,使人惊奇的,非同一般的What an extraordinary idea!多么离奇的想法! It was extraordinary that he lost the match.他比赛输了,实在是没想到。 extreme adj.①极端的,过


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