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全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试(二级笔译综合能力)模拟试题及答案(二) 参考答案及解析 Section 1 Part 1 1.答案:C 解析:同义辨析。 satisfactory令人满意的:The result of the match was highly satisfactory.比赛结果非常令人满意。satisfy使满足:I offered him $1,000 to keep quiet,but that did not satisfy him and he wanted even more.我给了他一千美元让他保持沉默,但他并不满足,他还要更多的钱。satisfied满意的,满足的:Im not fully satisfied with the standard of your work.我对你的工作水准不太满意。satisfying令人满意的,使人满意的:Its an immensely satisfying job.这是一个非常令人满意的工作。 2.答案:D 解析:形近识别。 restore修复(建筑物、家具、艺术品等):The oil painting was damaged in the flood and had to be painstakingly restored.这张油画在洪水中损坏了,得费很大力气修复。recover恢复到正常状态(如健康、神智、繁荣):Trade soon recovered from the effects of the war.贸易摆脱了战争的影响而很快复苏了。replace将(某物)放回原处:Replace the book on the shelf after reading.读后把书放回原处。 3.答案:D 解析:习语辨析。 out of fashion过时的:Long hair is out of fashion now.留长发已不时兴。 4.答案:B 解析:习语搭配。 a large amount of大量(后跟不可数名词):Her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy.她的案件博得了无数公众的同情。Give an account of描述:She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.她绘声绘色地描述了自己在丛林中的生活。a number of大量;若干(后跟可数名词):A number of well-qualified people have recently left the company. 一些非常称职的人已在最近离开了这家公司。 5.答案:C 解析:词义辨析。 eradicate根除,消灭:Smallpox has almost been eradicated.天花几乎已消灭。ignore故意不理睬:I said hello to her,but she ignored me completely.我向她打招呼,可她根本不理我。exalt颂扬。 6.答案:C 解析:连词辨析。 这两个句子是因果关系。 7.答案:D 解析:固定用法。 the+比较级,the+比较级。 8.答案:A 解析:结构识别。 a leading astronomer是Annie Jump Cannon的同位语。 9.答案:C 解析:语法题。 found创建,建立:The rich man founded a hospital and a school in the town where he was born.这个富翁在他出生的镇上创办了一所医院和一所学校。 10.答案:A 解析:语法题。 这里是现在分词作为定语修饰event,相当于occurring前省掉which is。 11.答案:B 解析:习语辨析。 believe想,认为:“Has he arrived yet?”“I believe so.”“他到了吗?”“我想是到了。” 12.答案:C 解析:形近识别。 stagnate停滞,不发展:Ifeel I’m stagnating in this job.我觉得我干这份工作没什么前途。stack堆起,摞起:Please stack your chairs before you leave.走之前把椅子摞在一起。stamp跺着脚走:Don’t stamp,you’ll wake everyone up.脚步别这么重,会把大家都吵醒的。 13.答案:A 解析:固定搭配。 in aframe of mind精神状态,情绪:The most important tlung is to take the exam in a positi


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