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* 必修三 一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.___________ n. 日常饮食; vi.节食 2.___________ n. 精力;活力;能量 3.___________ n. 纤维; 纤维制品 4.___________ n. 黄瓜 5.___________ n. 蘑菇 6.___________ n. 羊肉 7.___________ n. 好奇心 8.___________ adj. 苗条的;vi. 变细,减肥 9.___________ adj.生的, 未加工的 10.__________ n. vi. 研究,调查 diet energy fibre research cucumber mushroom mutton curiosity slim raw 11____________ n. 顾客;消费者 12____________ n. 力量;长处 13____________ n. 虚弱; 弱点 14____________ n. 债务; 欠款 15____________ vi.怒目而视;n.眩目的光 16____________ adv. 轻轻地;轻柔地 17____________ n. 界限 vt.限制 18____________ n. 利益 vtvi 有益于 19____________ vt. vi 使联合,使结合 20____________ n. 小包裹;袋 customer strength weakness debt glare gently limit benefit combine packet 二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,或首字母的提示,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。 1. We should ____________ theory with practice. 2. He has been working for a long time, but he is still full of e_____________. 3. The boy lifted the stone with all his s____________ 4. Students get benefits ____________their teachers. 5. “You did a bad job!” She ____________ (叹息). sighed combine energy strength from 6. She is not ____________ enough to wear these tight trousers. 7. Children are always full of c____________; they want to know everything. 8. What will happen if you do not eat a b____________ diet? 9. The thief got away ____________several thousand pounds worth of jewellery. 10. He has to cut ____________ on smoking because he coughs a lot. slim curiosity balanced with down 三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. He sat in his company ___________ (feel) very frustrated. 2. I’m _________ ( curiosity ) to know what has happened there. 3. I haven’t the __________ ( strong) to lift this stone. 4. My ability is ____________ ( limit). 5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man live ___________ ( health). feeling curious strength limited healthily 6. The food is easy to ______________ ( digestion). 7. Exercise is ____________ ( benefit ) to our health. 8. You shouldn’t eat too much __________ ( sugar)


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