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翻译专业资格考试(三级口译实务)模拟试题及答案(二) Practice 1 【录音材料】 Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese,interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage,interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only once. Now lets begin. 下面你将听到的是一段关于规范使用英语的对话。 A:首先祝贺您荣获“规范使用英语奖”。我想知道这是一个什么奖项? B:Its all annual award offered by the Plain English Campaign for good use of the language. It was the result of a survey it carded out among its 5,000 supporters in more than 70 countries. A:的确,我们在各种各样的场合使用着这样那样的陈词滥调、行话和含糊不清的词语。这对交流有什么妨害吗? B:You bet. When readers or listeners come across these tired expressions they start tuning out and completely miss the message-assuming there is one. A:今年调查出的最令人讨厌的陈词滥调有哪些? B:At the end of the day cannel first,and the second place went to at this moment in time ,and the third to the constant use of like ,as if it were a form of punctuation. A:对我们听众,您在如何规范使用英语方面有何建议? B:I think the 1946 advice of writer George Orwell still sounds relevant. Never use a metaphor simile,or other figure of speech which you ale used to seeing in print. 参考译文 A:First,congratulations on winning the Proper Use of English Award. May I ask what is that? B:这是一项由简明英语运动组织颁发的、旨在提倡规范使用英语的奖项。它是根据一项在70多个国家的5000名支持者中所进行的民意调查的结果产生的。 A:Its true we use all kinds of clich6s,jargons and obfuscations on various occasions. But will these disrupt our communication? B:当然了!当读者或听众遇到这些令人讨厌的措辞时,他们会开始转移注意力,结果完全漏掉要点——假如有要点的话。 A:What were some of the most irritating clich6s surveyed this year? B:At the end of the day(最后,到头来)排名第一。排在第二位的是at this moment in time(此时此刻),列第三位的是像标点符号一样被不停使用的单词like(像…一样)。 A:What advice can you give to US listeners on the proper use of our language? B:我认为作家乔治·奥威尔1946年提出的建议仍然有用:“不要使用那些你已习以为常的、 出现在各种出版物上的暗喻、明喻或其他修辞格。” Practice 2 【录音材料】 Listen to the follo


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