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[原创]关于redundancy的总结 四大语法错误里的redundancy,根据og和987的总结(gwd与天山喜欢乱来所以未总结于下)。自以为看见选项同时出现每一标号后的两个部分就是redundancy。希望更多朋友补充与修正 1. amount to a sum 2. annual and a year 3. after when 4. substitute and in place of 5. once in every [number] [time] 6. both A as well as B 7. regain and again 8. soar and rise and increase 9. increase/decrease and up to/down to 10. opposition and against 11. be able to/ability and afford 12. can and capability 13. now and currently 14. can and potentially(can, potentially,…is right) 15. consequence and result 16. may and likely 17. that of his own 18. return back 19. although and may 20. use as and borrow against 21. also and like/as 22. share the same 23. withhold disclosure 24. no less than/nothing other than(在完全有比较的情况下赤裸裸的出现在名前) 25. pay and payment 26.reason and because [原创]关于Set phrase的总结 67天了,每天我把心得记在本子上,不觉已记了很多了。还有20天就考了,先发在这里祝福每一位五月考的朋友们,也祝福每一位追梦的孩子。这篇讲Set Phrase的主要希望大家能注意到动词与介词的特殊搭配,考到了很恶心的。希望大家留意,指正,修补。 1. be believed to be 2. be estimated to be 3. distinguish between A and B/ distinguish A from B 4. rates for(when ‘rates’ means prices charge) 价格控告? 5. the cost to sb of doing sth; cost sb sth in sth 6. attribute A to B; B is attributed to A 7. in the coming month 8. admit that SVO (承认) / admit to sth (承认) 9. introduce into 1.bring sth into use or operation for the first time 初次投入使用或运作; 引进; 推行; 采用 Introduce computers (into schools) (使学校)采用计算机 Introduce a ban on smoking in public places 推行在公共场所禁止吸烟的规则. 2.put sth (into sth) 将某物放或插(入某物): introduce a hypodermic needle into a vein 将一皮下注射针头插入静脉 (fig 比喻) introduce a subject into a conversation 在谈话中加进一话题. 10. in an attempt to 11. known to do sth/ known to be sth/ known as sth;/ known for sth 12. the extent to which 13. be necessary to do/the necessity of doing/sth 14. consider n1 n2 15. in danger of 16. cite A as an instance of B; for instance Instance 例子 17. all things adj / all the adj things 18. credit[v] sb with having done / credit 信任 the credit[n] to sb for havi


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