lesson 7Carol’s shopping list知识讲稿.ppt

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Teaching outline Three-minute-speech Listening practice New text Assignments Lesson 79 Carol’s shopping list New words shopping n. 购物 list n. 单子 vegetable n. 蔬菜 need v. 需要 hope v. 希望 thing n. 事情 money n. 钱 ★shopping n. 购物 去购物 go shopping=do some shopping 购物中心 shopping center 商业街区 shopping mall make a shopping list 制作购物清单 Shop-bought 从商店买的(而非家里做的) shop front 商店门面;店面 shop-keeper 店主 我们下午去购物怎么样? How about go shopping this afternoon? shop around for sth, 货比三家而后买;比较购选 E.g. shop around for the best deal 买最合算的。 ★need v. 需要 ① v. 需要 他需要知道吗? Does he need to know? ② n. 需要(物);必要 不必担心。 There is no need of worrying. There’s a growing need of new housing in many cities. 许多城市正面临着对新建房屋的不断增长的需求。 我们不急需用钱。 We don’t have any urgent need for money. needy adj.缺乏生活必需品的;贫困的 The needy穷苦的人 E.g. 对无家可归者和穷困者的帮助。 help the homeless and the needy The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need. 这个慈善机构的宗旨是向贫困者提供帮助。 needless to say不必说;不用说 ★hope v. 希望 ① v. 希望;盼望;期待 hope to do sth. 我明年想去国外学习。 I hope to study abroad next year. hope that 我希望你明年去国外学习。 I hope that you study abroad next year. ② n. 希望,期望;指望 我们对未来充满希望 We are full of hope for the future. Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 ③ n. 期望着的事;被寄予希望的人 His hope is that his son will get married and settle down soon. 他所希望的是他儿子能早点结婚,安顿下来。 He is a young man of genius, the hope of Russian poetry. 他是一位年轻的天才,是俄罗斯诗歌的希望所在。 ④ in the hope of sth/ in the hope that 抱着…的希望 E.g. I called her early in the hope of catching her before she went to work. 我很早给她电话,希望在她去上班之前找到她。 hopeful---hopeless wish 不真实的一些东西,只是一些希望 Best wishes. Must?必须,应该,一定,准是,?表示说话人认为有必要做某事,?命令,?要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测。? must?用来指一般现在时和一般将来时,?过去式可用?have?to?的过去式代替。? ???????????? I?must?finish?my?work?today.?????????????????????? 我今天必须完成我的工作。? ????????????????????? You?mustnt?w


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