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河北科技师范学院 本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 Discussion on the laboratory information management 院(系、部)名 称 : 数信学院 专 业 名 称 计算机科学与技术 学 生 姓 名: 吴函 学 生 学 号:0961080117 指 导 教 师:李洪泊 、 董彦荣 2012 年 03 月 09 日 河北科技师范学院教务处制 Discussion on the laboratory information management Introduction University laboratory is the important base for teaching and research in Colleges and universities, his school management is a branch of the whole management system of laboratory, the implementation of scientific and modern management, will be helpful for back to the lab work efficiency, improve the level of teaching and research in Colleges and universities. Laboratory information management system by means of computer network, using scientific information for the overall management of the computer soft, hardware system, computer technology, management science and technology of analysis and testing. Now the majority universities have realized the campus network to open and use, therefore, based on the campus network in the open laboratory information management system, can make full use of campus cyber source, realizes the entire school faculties test information remote sharing, improve the work efficiency of the Department, from the original opening laboratory due to experimental student staff, time dispersion in management of complex, tedious, open laboratory brings obvious teaching effect improvement will promote schools to improve the laboratory seriously, increase investment, filling equipment. Thus laboratory information management will be in the future management work to play a powerful role in [1 ]. Laboratory information management system ( Lab Information Management System ), LIMS of the following abbreviation, is for the school laboratory massive data processing and management software, is a typical management information system ( Management Information Sy


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