English Word Roots and affixes常用词根词缀意义例析.doc

English Word Roots and affixes常用词根词缀意义例析.doc

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English Word Roots and affixes常用词根词缀意义例析

常用词根、词缀意义例析 1)有介词on 的含义,表示状态,多为表语、补语形容词 例如: aback; ahead; alive; asleep; away; afire; aflame; ashore; aboard; across; around; apart; 2)和动词结合,意在强调 例如: abide by; ago; arise; ashamed; able 和“able”本意联系,表示“能够……”,有被动含义。 例如:approachable; considerable; advisable; incredible; invisible; fashionable; ad 表“动作”或“方向,一般随词根启始字母,ad变为相应的a+启始字母, 例如:announce; adopt; assist; accept; assert; attend; advantage; associate; address; allow; arrest; applaud; admire ; adhere to; account; admit; adjust; acquire; assure; appoint; appropriate; add 和“add”本意联系,表附加 例如:add; addition; additional; age 和名词结合,表“整体、聚合”、“量,测量”或“过程、结果” 例如:coinage; footage; coverage; wreckage;spoilage; postage;message; al 1)附在动词后构成名词,表示“…的动作”、 “…的过程”。 例如:arrival; trial; rehearsal; 2)附在名词后构成形容词,表示“…的”,“具有…特性的”。 例如:essential; virtual; critical; electrical; historical; chemical; economical; ambl 表示“行走” 例如:amble; ambulance; ampl 表是“充足、宽敞” 例如:ample; amplify; amplitude; an 表示“年、年代” 例如:annual; anniversary; ancient; ancestor; ang 和“狭窄”意有关 例如:angry; anger; anxious; anxiety; anguish; anim 表示“生命、活力” 例如:animal; animate; arm 由“胳膊”引申为“武器” 例如:army; alarm; armament; art 表示“手工” 例如:art; article; artist; artifact; artificial; aster 表示“星星,星空” 例如:disaster; asteroid; asterisk; astronomy; astronomer; astronaut; astrology; audi 表示“听力、听觉” 例如:audience; auditorium; audible; audit; base 表示“基础、地基” 例如:base; baseball; basement; basic; basis; abase; database; bat 或bel 表示“战争、斗争” 例如:bat; battle; combat; beat; battery; batter; rebel; beat; ben 表示“好处,利益;完好” 例如:benefit; benevolence; bi 表示“双,两个” 例如:bicycle; binocular; bilateral; bisect; bilingual; bind 和“bind”本意联系,表“捆绑,束缚” 例如:bind; combine; band; bandage; boundary; brev 表示“简短,缩短” 例如:brief; brevity; abbreviate; abridge; cap(t) 表示“抓住,捕获”,引申出“头部”含义 例如:catch; capital; capture; capsule; capitalize; capacity; participate; escape; cede 和“go”意相关 succee


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