大学生英语戏剧 剧本 《道林格雷的画像》.doc

大学生英语戏剧 剧本 《道林格雷的画像》.doc

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大学生英语戏剧 剧本 《道林格雷的画像》

The first scene: Dancing Ball Characters: Dorian, Henry, Emily, the Picture, the Butler, Guests Plot:This is the first time that Dorian has come to his grandfather’s house.In the dacing ball, the butler introduced the painter to the innocent Dorian.Henry came to interrupt them and poke fun at Dorian. Then,the painter wanted to make a picture of Dorian. Dorian accepted and they went to another room to finish the picture.However ,it was doomed to be the dealing of the soul. People were astonished by the marvelous picture after it had been made public. the Butler:Dear sir , this is somebody you simply must meet 亲爱的先生,有个人你必须得见见 This is one of our finest artists Basil Hallward 他是我们这里最杰出的艺术家之一巴兹尔.沃德 Basil:Please,a humble student of beauty 拜托,在美丽面前我只是一个卑微的学生而已 Dorian: Nice to meet you, I am Dorian. Gray. 很高兴认识你,我是道林格雷 Henry: Cigarette? ?抽烟吗? Dorian: No thank you ? 不,谢谢 Henry: I find a cigarette to be the perfect pleasure ? 吸烟让人心情舒畅 It is exquisite and leaves one unsatisfied 它很优美,让人忘记烦恼 Youre Kelsos grandson? 你是索科的孙子吧? Dorian: Yes,Did you know him? 是的,你认识他吗? Henry: ?I met him once. It was enough to give a cheer last month when he rasped his last sour breath. 曾经见过一次,? 但不妨碍我为上个月这个老古董的断气好好庆祝一下 One assumes you inherited the withered old goats estate? Being a little orphan isnt all bad ? 听闻你继承了那个老色鬼的遗产?? 看来做个孤儿不完全是坏事啊 An earnest young man with a beautiful nature according to the Butler 管家说的:“一个帅气而富有的年轻人。” Id pictured some freckled country oaf in ghastly dress. I see I was only half right It could be worse ? 在我的印象里应该是个穿着破礼服的乡下呆子,? 看来我只猜对一半,? 现实可能还要更糟 Are you sure you wont take a cigarette? I get them directly from Cairo ? 你确定不要来根烟吗?? 这些可是我从开罗弄来的 Basil: I see youve met our charming host. Pay no attention to anything he tells you ? 你见过我们迷人的男主人了吧? 别把它的话放在心上 Henry:How rude .Henry Wotton. I do hope our paths cross again Mr Gray ?你太粗如了,我是亨利.奥托。希望能和你再次相聚,格雷先生 Dorian: Thank you for the cigarette(Coughs) cigaret


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